Where's the peace and love? Mixed feelings regarding the motley crew involved on this web page correspondence. Agreed, Ronald McDonald has not made any lifelong friends with his anti-Jeep emotions. I think there are anger management classes for that kind of stuff. Honestly, I think he/she/it is merely attempting to elicit hostile responses from an opinionated population by insulting their interests. What's next? Naa, Naa, Boo, Boo jokes. If we must assimilate, then here it is, "sticks and stones may break my bones..." I own two dogs, if your dog was really hit, you have all of our sincerest sympathies. However, the other guy is correct. Pets are a responsibility. Take the blame. Don't be like the McDonald's coffee lady, or that dude suing because he claims ignorance of fast food and the results of overindulgence. It's time people have some responsibility and accountability for what they do and what happens to them in their lives. Also, the guy who claims aiming for random animals just to hit them, you are in the same category as McD's. I despise overusing the tragic 9/11 event, but if nothing else, that should have been enough of a lesson in useless killing. I'm not comparing the lives of those who perished to a random animal, obviously, but why go out of your way to cause destruction and death. We must take care of this planet because there might be some future generations that would care to enjoy driving their Jeeps here too. If we really learned a new found patriotism and love for country, we probably wouldn't treating each other so poorly. One rule of life I think is important, listen up here tasty dude, is that one should make oneself look better through their own positive actions and accomplishments, and not by the verbalization of other's shortcomings. Focus more on who you are and want to be, and less on everybody else's lives. You'll get more accomplished. Enough deep thoughts...this is a Jeep site...a kick ass Jeep site. On a positive note, thanks to everyone for their collective knowledge. Can't wait till tomorrow...4:11 in mail, Limited Slip, and highs of 80 degrees and sunny for the rest of the week predicted here in central Fl. Must hit beach...Adios ya'll. Matt.