My first stuck!!! (With Damage!)

Too true... It prolly won't look the same, but you know, it's doing, and did it's job... It got me pulled out, and it didn't tear off the bumper, so I can't complain... If anything, a couple stickers and drumsticks will make it right as rain... Or lights, extra lights are always good... It'll buff right out... I need to find someone with a cam, and I can get a pic of it, it's not pretty right now... So, Lady, besides the clutch, what did you do to yours?
Oh I dunno Saurian but everyone seems to think it's bad. lol Flywheel damage? Clutch Plate? There is a ton of stuff (that shouldn't be there) under the jeep bell housing and they say it may not be just the "clutch" whatever that means. I'm still waiting for someone to tear it apart and tell me what is really going on. Even the mid range clutch kit and a resurfacing of the flywheel will run me about 300 to 350 dollars without paying for labor.

If you told me that before all this, you could have knocked me over with a feather. There is no garauntee that is what I need either. I never had a clutch and don't understand the mechanics behind them and would have never guessed it could have been so involved or costly.

So, I take the financial hit and spend the time without the Jeep and hopefully after it's fixed I'll understand the mechanics and learn how to treat the next one better.

Lights are good!

That's the up/down side with autos, when they work, they work, but when they're broke, you're broke... At least with a manual there are a lot of mysterious parts that you can fix without having to get a whole new transmission/rebuild....
BTW, MichiganJeepers is getting a kick out of my off-roading shoes... I'll have you know that I was wearing platform clogs, thank you very much :lol:
ATTN: BH and Sully..

Saurian said:
BTW, MichiganJeepers is getting a kick out of my off-roading shoes... I'll have you know that I was wearing platform clogs, thank you very much :lol:

:shock: :shock:

Uhhh...that's slightly disturbing. :lol:

Somehow, I don't think I'd admit to that......but, I wouldn't admit to owning a Surrey either, like someone else I know! :lol:
RE: triple weber set up

mingez said:
Saurian said:
Hey, if you wanna photochop me, go for it... Could be fun to see what you all can come up with :)

Okay. How about this:


Nice legs Saurian. :lol: