my new avatar


New member
sorry but i'm impressed with this one i had the idea of a bandanna image for my myspace... and never thought this pic would turn out as good as it did ... just like to hear you guys on it what ya think


You look like a blood.

I'm a crypt...yo. :cry:

JK. It's cool. Did you photo chop yer eyes? If not, you're one freaky dude. LOL!!!
hahahh yeah thats the same thing my buddy said was i looked like suge knight ... but nah no blood here i'm str8 crip cause i like blue hahah i just had a red shirt on and went with the red bandanna ..... yeah my eyes i shop'd up ... but they do look almost real
I'm a big fan of the obscured face thing, it wigs people out which makes me smile. whats the tat say/symbolize?

the tat on my arm is my initals actually ... its a one off olde english letter design i had a drunk guy in KY make for me on paper ... i scanned the paper and kept it on my computer and what you see if my VERY VERY first tattoo ... the "saint" you barely see was a much later addition

because I look at that picture and well... I must be getting old because I just don't get it :confused:

No need to explain it either, I'm content with being old and out of touch.

I don't think it's your age, but rather a cultural difference between you and he. :)
now were getting deep .... lets all lay on the couch and talk about how we "feeel" haha just playin ... nah only thing i was diggin was how i chop'd in my eye color first time that it actually turned out good haha