My XJ is crazy! Now the Window is stuck down/Dash lights out...


New member
Hey all,

I ran a search and came up with some similar problems, but not the same one. My rear Passenger window (97 XJ 4.0) is stuck down. It does not work from the door switch or the master switch. All other windows are functioning normally. It will roll down further from both switches, just not up. I need help, it's kinda warm today, but it will get cold QUICK out here.

Also, this thing has another electrical issue. I'm assuming I have an exposed wire somewhere. While driving on some rough terrain last night, I hit a pretty good bump and the fuse fried to my dashboard lights...Is it related???

I got the window up about 95% of the way. It has power coming through both wires to the motor (green and yellow). I got the window up on accident. I had a test lamp hooked up to the green wire as I was pushing up on the switch. I accidentally made contact with the metal wheel right above the motor, this caused a spark, but made the motor run. The motor works just fine like that, it went up easy. Would that be a bad ground to that motor? That is what I was thinking???
I got the window up about 95% of the way. It has power coming through both wires to the motor (green and yellow). I got the window up on accident. I had a test lamp hooked up to the green wire as I was pushing up on the switch. I accidentally made contact with the metal wheel right above the motor, this caused a spark, but made the motor run. The motor works just fine like that, it went up easy. Would that be a bad ground to that motor? That is what I was thinking???

That sure sounds reasonable.
Not knowing how they are wired, or how the relays are involved I can't say for sure, but if you run a ground strap from the motor to a well known ground that will answer your question.