Need help taking my doors off


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Time to take the doors off...or so I thought
Can someone give me step by step instructions to take the doors off on a 98 TJ.
I pulled the nuts off the bolts on the hinges. On one side they came off fine, on the other side I couldnt get them to move. Do I just need some WD-40?? I also completely destroyed the paint on them which sucks.
Well on the side I got the nuts off of it appeared that all I had to do next was just pull the door up. But the door wouldnt budge. Is there a step im missing here?? Im afraid to use a hammer to get the bolts going because I dont want to round off the end of the bolt or damage the paint on the jeep at all. I also dont want to force it if im doing it wrong.
Also is there anyways to not strip the paint off the nuts everytime you do this?? (this is stupid but would wd-40 affect the paint) Or should I just buy a bottle of touch up paint for everytime I want to take them off?[addsig]


You need to use a rubber mallet to GENTLEY help remove the doors. Also use some lithium grease on the pins when you reinsert in the hinge. This will make it mush easier ned time. As for the paint, I have no solution for you since I have Stainless Steel hinges on the YJ.[addsig]

You can use a hammer, just put a old peace of wood or some other type of buffet to protect the bolt. then as you work the door back and forth a bit apply your wd-40 or even better marvel mystery oil. But what ever you have should do the trick. once you get them off clean them good with emery cloth. then apply a good water proof grease, or never seaze. As far as the paint goes, your on your own there, I haven't mastered that on stock hinges. You could go to using Stainless steel pin and bolts. So anyways once you get in the habit of doing good prep and repairs, you will find it's not to tough to do later. Good luck, have fun, smile...


:cool: [addsig]

You have gotten all the best advice. So I'm just on here to blab.

I put 3-n-1 oil on the hinges the day before I took the doors off. Then took off the bolts. Then I used a rubber mallet (see above) and tapped the hinges on the side GENTLY and then on the bolt itself. Then I grabbed the door and YANKED it up. Then I picked myself up off the floor, because it came off too easy. LOL

1) Disconnect the wires that go to the door switch that turns on the light. Otherwise you'll drain the battery
2) You need to add sideviews, because they're attached to the doors. OR, if you get pulled over tell them someone stole your mirrors.[addsig]


Lots of good advice since I was going to ask the same question! Don't forget about your mirror movers! I just bought mine off of ebay for $20.[addsig]

if you put the nut back on the end of the bolt... you can hit that without rounding the end of the bolt... or get another nut to do it with if you don't want to ruin the paint

edited by: Snitty, Apr 16, 2003 - 04:05 PM[addsig]

I just threw the nuts away after the first time I took the doors off... Not a biggie...[addsig]

Okay so the pin/bolt isnt connected to the door itself? I was thinking it may just be thing together. So it would than be possible too remove the pin completely, just like a door hinge in a house for instance. And the whole problem im having with the nuts is that theyre black, and im scrapping all the paint off, why would I throw them away.[addsig]

I just threw the nuts away after the first time I took the doors off... Not a biggie...

Hehe I hope you don't want your doors anymore. No nuts on there makes them MUCH easier for someone to steal. They could just open them and lift them off and you would come out and your jeep would have no doors. I keep the nuts on mine and tighten them generously. Granted someone with some hand tools could steal them anyway but it would take longer (i.e. easier to notice). After all locks only keep an honest man honest.

Okay so the pin/bolt isnt connected to the door itself? I was thinking it may just be thing together. So it would than be possible too remove the pin completely, just like a door hinge in a house for instance. And the whole problem im having with the nuts is that theyre black, and im scrapping all the paint off, why would I throw them away.

Its not quite like a house hinge. The "pin" is actually part of the hinge on the door slides through the hole on the jeep side of the hinge. You should be able to get it off by working the door back and forth while lifting up on it.

edited by: RayOvac, Apr 17, 2003 - 11:11 PM[addsig]


i know of a total of zero jeeps in my town that have kept their bolts... plus... if you scrape all the paint off the bolt, you can paint it black again[addsig]

If they take em, they take em... My philosophy is: If they want it bad enough and it's in a CJ/YJ/TJ then it's as good as gone...

I always take my faceplate off, my console is like Ft. Knox and my Jeep is pretty much empty inside... Plus, not a lot of door stealing goes on here in Omaha... Usually, they just take the whole car, lead the police on a high speed pursuit (good luck in my 4-banger :-D ), and end up totalling it into a telephone pole...

Also, I'd rather them just pull the doors and run, rather than scratch up everything trying to take some silly nuts off... :-x [addsig]