New Browser that blocks pop-ups


New member

I just came across something that eliminates all those pop up adds. Its called crazy browser. It was free and it has been working great. I am not sure where to get it my buddy e-mailed it to me...just try surfing for it i guess. Though I would share the knowledge.[addsig]


Thanks for the info, though if it's free-and a web browser-chances are it has spyware :-( So just watch out what your inputing, i'd stay away from online credit card transactions, or at least use a card with a low limit. Though it may not, and may be totally legit; i have to watch out for my fellow jeepers!! [addsig]

Netscape 7.0 does a great job of blocking pop-up ads.
I have not witnessed a pop-up ad in many weeks now!
I believe that Opera 6.0 blocks the pop-up ads, too.

With Netscape 7.0 you can block every single pop-up.
And you have the ability to "exclude" sites from being
blocked in case they use JavaScript in their website.
No third party applications necessary for this feature!

edited by: thehemi, May 02, 2003 - 07:41 AM[addsig]

Shane is right, be careful about what you download, there are some real sneaky programs out there today. if you want a pop-up-blocker i suggest a program called Stop the Pop. You can get it from i have been using it for about 3 months now and it is wonderful. It will stop every, and i mean EVERY, pop up. If you are on a site that opens another browser window when you click a link, all you have to do is hold down CTRL or shift and it will let the window open. It may sound annoying, but it is far less annoying than all the pop ups.

Good luck
~~Rich~~ :-P 8-) [addsig]