New Jeep Magazine


New member
Hello everyone who loves a Jeep!

I would like to announce the release this Friday of a new multimedia publication for Jeep enthusiasts: J Rations Standard Issue 1. This publication includes a full-color print magazine, rich-media interactive CD-ROM and exclusive Web content.

For more information, please visit our site at

Thank you for letting me butt in! See you on the trail!


I don't get it going to be a online magazine only with just the first issue in print?
No, this is not an online magazine. J Rations is a real honest-to-goodness publication (print magazine, CD-ROM and exclusive Web material) that also has a Web site. Just as any most other magazines have Web sites. The difference between us and "them" is that we also produce CDs, and those CDs have links that go to areas of our Web site that are not accessible by people who simply visit the site. In other words, you have to buy a Standard Issue to get the print mag and CD (and access to more Web content).

This might make it easier to understand:
Ok, I get that part.
You buy the Standard Issue print book with CD Rom for 10.95 and then subscribe to the print magazine. I have looked over the site, quickly, I might add and don't see the price for the magazine subsctription:???:

I was hoping someone else besides JP would come along, the trashy stuff that the Primedia editors think they have to add in does not do it for me. to get the wife to buy the whole thing for me for Christmas.....:confused:

You got it, except there is no subscription available—yet. As J Rations gains traction in the marketplace, the publishing frequency will increase and subscriptions will become available.

We are the same team that launched Jp Magazine in 1995. We've all been gone from that publication for years now (lost it in publishing company buyouts), so we've started our own Jeep magazine.

BTW, this would be an excellent Christmas gift from your wife! And, she won't find anything objectionable between our covers!

Well I am glad to see it. Looking forward to it.

JP was an awesome, grass-roots, work on your Jeep for the common guy mag until it got trashed by Petersons. It is not for the average Joe, it's for folks who can afford the likes of Rockwell axles and the content has gotten so bad I can't let my 9 year old read it anymore :( Extreme rigs are great and I enjoy reading about them but they lost their way and the raw material is childish.

I hope your venture does well.
You can expect J Rations to mirror the early days of Jp (but even better), because our focus now is on the broadest scope of the Jeep enthusiast world, just as it was then. The only thing that's changed on the publishing side is the technology. Our concept has been to take full advantage of technological advances, making J Rations unique and satisfying. Thank you for your good wishes!
Well I just ordered it...2-4 weeks and we shall see.
Personally I find JP a little (pardon the expression here) teenager-ish.
I have been at this for over 23 years and I have grown up... and no longer feel the child like pranks and attitude in JP are acceptable.
But I have to put up with it since their the only game in-town.
And for some odd reason here I don't like reading about monster fords, Chevy's and such. Jeeps and that is it as far as I am concerned. Bias? Why heck yes I am...arn't you?'re our first official customer! You know, the Web site copy was changing as you were in there. Your magazine should arrive within two weeks, not four. We need to change that text (sorry).

Am I biased? You bet. And I'm sure you can figure out how. ;)
Dang it, you beat me to it.
I just signed up as well.

I'm number 2!, I'm number 2!, I'm number 2!, I'm number 2!:lol: :lol: :lol:
Heck, I think a few free copies to the gang here at (for the free advertising Terry is allowing you to do) would go a long way towards spreading the word in a hurry.

Oh, and BTW, I know what folks mean about Petersen's trashing magazines. I used to be a big fan of a photography mag (been so long ago, I don't recall the name) until Petersen's bought them out. Went from basic photographic tutorials, tips, and suggestions for the average Joe to use to all kinds of high-end equipment, computer enhancement, and pictures that were no more photographs than a Lincoln Continental is an off-road vehicle. Petersen's sucks!!:evil:
Heck, I think a few free copies to the gang here at go a long way towards spreading the word in a hurry.

Sure, you can have all the free copies you want...for $10.95 ea./shipping & handling. ;)

But, no, really... Your suggestion isn't a bad one, but we can't afford to give away too many copies (it still takes big bucks to publish). Our hope is that Standard Issue 1 will speak for itself and that it'll earn the support of enthusiasts.

(for the free advertising Terry is allowing you to do)

We need to talk with Terry to find out what the heck he's already done (evidently). That was a surprise! We're happy to partner with all credible Jeep sites, so we see some opportunities coming 'round the bend.
Add me to the list of customers. I e-mailed the editor with a link and name of a local club I belong to also
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Rticul8 said:
We need to talk with Terry to find out what the heck he's already done (evidently).

Terry is the owner of this website, and by allowing you to post this here, he is giving you free advertising....assuming that you haven't paid him to post an ad for another Jeep website on his bandwidth.......
We haven't had a chance to speak with Terry yet, but he's already added our site to the Offroad Websites section of this site, for which we extend a hearty "Thank you!"

The J Rations site has about 1,000 links to other sites, including this one. So, as our traffic grows, you can expect to see more visitors coming here as well.

Right now we're shipping only within the U.S. That's because there are customs issues with sending to Canada, and we don't have the staff to handle international mailings. We're hoping to change this in the very near future.