New Jeep Magazine

Rticul8 said:

<nyuk, nyuk>

My friend picked up his very first issue of JP, back when you guys made it, in Canada back in I think..1996. He hadn't seen it in the USA yet and thought it was a Canadian pubished only mag.;) ;)

What we wouldn't give for a fully staffed circulation department!
Rticul8 said:
What we wouldn't give for a fully staffed circulation department!
What I wouldn't give for a fully circulated staffing department!:lol:

Best of luck on the mag, I truly hope it takes off for you. (Hope you didn't take my comments about the free advertising the wrong way). Still would like a free copy, though......:p
LOL...could we have both?

(Hope you didn't take my comments about the free advertising the wrong way). Still would like a free copy, though......

Not at all. We're going to be working reciprocal links and the sort with lots of off-road sites. The problem with free copies is that if we gave away copies of Standard Issue 1 to every site that wanted them, we'd have nothing left to sell! Since we're not Petersen or Primedia (looking only at the bottom line instead of content), readers will get a better magazine. But it also means we don't have deep pockets, so J Rations needs the support of the Jeep community if the title is going to be successful. It's the old catch-22. (Suggestion: Christmas present)

Rticul8 said:
The problem with free copies is that if we gave away copies of Standard Issue 1 to every site that wanted them, we'd have nothing left to sell! (Suggestion: Christmas present)

I didn't say you had to give them away to every site that wanted them, just to us, the best Jeep site on the net!!;)
Looks like it'll be a good magazine! We need more Jeep magazines out there anyways!

Sparky...I wish you the best of luck in getting your free copy!!
Sparky-Watts said:
I didn't say you had to give them away to every site that wanted them, just to us, the best Jeep site on the net!!;)

88Wrangles said:
Sparky...I wish you the best of luck in getting your free copy!!

I would send you my copy when I was done with it Sparky but my mom didnt teach me to share :p
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Dang, sounds like I'm gonna have to pry open my wallet and shell out the sawbuck. Oh, well, I'll just work a half hour longer today to pay for it.......:cry:
TwistedCopper said:
:shock: I bet that wallet makes one heck of a creaking noise when you finally break it open

Sparky still has 80 cents of the first dollar he ever made.:lol: :lol:

I ordered mine last night, looks to be a good mag/site. Now I can have another Jeep mag to drool over and leave laying around the house for the wife to gripe about. Good luck with it Lisa.

Re: New Jeep Magazine/ picking on sparky

90Xjay said:
Sparky still has 80 cents of the first dollar he ever made.:lol: :lol:

Darn Sparky what do your fellow jeepers here know about you?
Could it be that your middle name is Scrooge? Do you say bah hum bug all the time?
Or is it that that we all know you and love to pick on you?...naaaa we wouldn't do that!

Or would we!
That being the case with your recent injury's I am going to endeavor to raise the purchase price of the magazine for you with the loving help of our fellow jeepers here. So I will start the pot off with a big donation of .63$.
Now my fellow jeepers ole sparky here wants this new magazine and is WAAAAY tooooo cheap (not sure on that but his good friends act like it) to buy it. So please post your pledges here we only need 14.00$. I will contact you as to were to send your penny's to the Sparky magazine fund.

Thank you for your generous support
Steven W.
C.O.E. of the new Sparky Magazine fund
Hey Sparky if you want to drive all the way to Lyndon you can look at my copy, when it comes in. We Kansans got to stick together.


sicnik said:
Hey Sparky if you want to drive all the way to Lyndon you can look at my copy, when it comes in. We Kansans got to stick together.


Boy, ain't that the truth!! Those folks don't realize how scarce actual money is here on the plains, do they? The only reason I've still got 80 cents of my first dollar is that the pony express just got it here last week, and I had to buy 20 cents worth of feed for his dang horse!!:shock:
Funny you should ask... The short answer is, no. It's a CD-ROM, which means it plays only from a computer CD drive.

We've been looking into hybrid media (example: one side is CD-ROM [or DVD-ROM], other side is DVD) so readers could access material both at their computers and from the comfort of the couch. This is a cool idea and we'd have no problem building content for it. But it's even more expensive to produce and replicate than CD-ROM or even ordinary DVD-ROM.

thats cool, thought I would ask. So do we get free stuff for pimping your site to other sites?........would like to donate a free mag to
Am I really going to have to send a free magazine to Sparky? :rolleyes: LOL...

You sure that's OK with everybody else here, since he'd get his issue for no money and a lot more quickly?
Well you would have to wait until I got mine, I need to show off a little before he gets his. I want to be the first in Kansas to get it.
