New Jeep Magazine

Sorry my bad... my definition of swag is "Scientific Wild A$$ Guess......Schwag is new to me.......

Rticul8 said:
Oh, come on, don't pout. I sent the free copy to Sparky only after I was properly beaten about the head and face! :roll:.....

Looks like I'm the one who took the beating for paying for it.:redface:
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OutOfStep said:
Schwag is good and FUBAR is bad. Most people want to get as much schwag as they can get their hands on, while trying to avoid FUBARs (including SNAFUs and CFs). Typically you'll feel a BOHICA commin on right before your schwag SNAFUs causing you to send your rig into a FUBAR situation that results in a total CF.

(Schwag in this group most likely means free promo gear ;) )

Yes...schwag.. free stuff. thanks OutofStep! Sorry, I'm not up on my yiddish.

I'm just kidding BTW Rticul8. It just comes from my years in the print advertising biz... Lot's of "Schwag" and freebies.
Rticul8 said:
Ah, then you must know what tchatchkis are...


Ugly miniature clipper ship given with every purchase of a 12 pce set of tupperware.

Snow globe with every purchase of a quarter page ad.

Free 100 dollar gas card with the purchase of every of a BMW.

Usually a cheap ugly trinket to help entice, or as a "thank you."

Rticul8 said:
LOL!! Are you as glad as I am to be out of the advertising business?!

Hahahaha! Yeah.

I loved the culture, but hated the pressure. I'd gladly take that job back to get out of retail management though. And soon too that shall happen. ;)
FYI: Shipping J Rations to Canada

joedirt had asked me a while ago if J Rations was going to be available in Canada, and my response was "no." In case anyone else is interested, J Rations has just been cleared for shipping to Canada, so we'll be delivering to the Great White North after all. We'll be adding other international destinations to the shipping list as soon as possible.

sicnik said:
Has anyone recieved thier Jrations yet? Just curious.

I haven't been to the post office for a couple of weeks because of my sprained ankle, so I don't know. Lord only knows what bills have gone past the due date...lights and computer still work, so apparently not the utility bill!!:purple:
Sparky, I'm sure your copy is sitting at the PO waiting for you. It was sent out quite a while ago. Don't you have a carrier pigeon to fetch your mail? ;)

.....they taste like chicken...

Nope, just got back from the post office a while ago (8pm) and no magazine yet.....
I personally mailed your copy via 1st class on December 7, so you should've had it by now. :(

Maybe the Christmas rush has it bogged down. Are you in a rural area? We frequently mail to a rural address in Wisconsin, and it takes two weeks (sometimes longer) for our packages to arrive. Maybe we should go back to Pony Express!

Sparky, if you don't have the magazine by December 20, let me know, OK?
Rticul8 said:
I personally mailed your copy via 1st class on December 7, so you should've had it by now. :(

Maybe the Christmas rush has it bogged down. Are you in a rural area? We frequently mail to a rural address in Wisconsin, and it takes two weeks (sometimes longer) for our packages to arrive. Maybe we should go back to Pony Express!

Sparky, if you don't have the magazine by December 20, let me know, OK?

Ok. I saw a dead horse along the trail between here and Wichita yesterday, maybe it was the Pony Express dude.

Lisa, I'm happy to report that my copy of J Rations arrived yesterday! I didn't have much time yesterday to look it over, but just spent some quality time on the throne reading till my legs went numb!! I have to say, you've outdone yourselves on the first issue! The writing is very good and the photography is better than what I've seen in other mag rags. I haven't played around with the CD yet, either, but plan to do that sometime this morning. Standard Issue 1 is definitely worth the money (especially since mine was free!).
Hey! Wheres mine?..........I can't stand the anticipation. Maybe the mail lady stole my copy, it's a conspiracy...see now i'm getting paranoid.

As I sit here on Arizona on my brother-in-laws comper reading your words I am wondering if my copy has made it to Utah?
With no Jeep to play with (my family here are idiots and dont know what a jeepz are) and surrounded by one of natures biggest jeep playlands I am jonzing for something jeep.
If I dont get some relief I am going to walk in to a stealerships parking lot and test drive one!

When are you going to mail out the paid subscribers mags?