News: from Europe


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French President reportedly upset over new American motto. "The heck with Iraq bomb Chirak.

It was reported: That a car backfired in Paris today, France surrenders, women seen waving there undies out the windows, to welcome the invaders.

It was reported: The liberal party in Germany proposed, inviting the American soldiers to leave, the Right wing party proposed to expel all foriegners. A noted socioligist, reported without the Americans and other foriegners, the birth rate will fall to "0" in nine months. :-D

It´s reported: That the German Chanceller, isn´t afraid of a chemical attack, because he has his head, so far up the French Presidents rear end, he can´t breath anyway. :-O

edited by: MudderChuck, Mar 01, 2003 - 05:36 AM[addsig]


Now if only CNN reported like this. :lol: :lol: [addsig]

I vote Mudderchuck our Anchor Man and head of Foriegh Correspondence. Thank You Mr. Mudderchuck for that wonderful rendision of the French Mindset. That is the way it was! tug[addsig]


I hate to get started in on the politics BUT! I for the life of me can't understand why the U.S. needs this big buildup and spend 100's of billions on this ass munch Saddam. There's no reason we couldn't send in a team of Seals or Special Op's to do thisfool in. I get more and more pissed off hearing the news about how much aid were going to give Turkey and the latest reports are 26 Billion which equals 125 million per soldier on the ground there. In Rhode Island we had last week one of the deadliest fires in U.S. history where 187 people got hurt and 97 died in the Station nightclub, the govenor asked FEMA and the president for federal aid to help the families and got shot down. There were more lives lost here than in any tornado, hurricane, snow storm then I can remember. I voted for Bush but he has a one track mind and all I've got to say is when Turkey gets done with this fool they will probably have a better economy than ours is right now....................Bullet[addsig]

I know politics are forbidden territory, but to answer Bullet 3600, I think the reason we are back there again (I say we, because I´ve a lot of buddies and buddets deployed right now), is because Bush senior listened to the world oppinion, about the plight of the poor Iraqi civilians and stopped the war before they completely gave up in 91(broke there will to fight). Stopping early sure didn´t seem to help, the civilians much, especialy the Kurds and Sheits.
I live in Germany, have lived here on and off for most of 35 years (about time to go home). If the attitudes here weren´t so funny they´d be sad. They often, play Ostrich when the chit hits the fan, forgetting while your heads are burried, your rear end is exposed. Beleave me, most Germans believe if you don´t see it, it doesn´t exsist.
Bullet is probably right, the money could be better spent at home and American foriegn policy (throw money at every problem) hasn´t worked well for us so far. I pay taxes too, I´d much rather see my money spent on infastructore or to relieve suffering, than assault weapons. But the reality is, often, if you wait until it´s to late, the consequences and cost rarley go down or go away. Better to deal with it, quickly and completely, in the beginning.
Jeepmaster hit the nail right on the head, The French suck. And the Germans are pitiful.

News flash. Saddam agrees to go into exile, if he can find some other place to go that reminds him of home (Sand, Camels, torture, summery execution) that isn´t already occupied by another tin pot Dictator.
:-D :-D [addsig]


We can't just go in and kill Saddam. It's "illegal" to kill a head of state. Also, all this money that people say we're spending, well that's not really true. This 100's of billions of dollars? Well, we're paying that much money when our troops aren't deployed as well. The ships always sail, the troops always march and eat. The fact is, that our cost to maintain troops in this war time scenario in another country is only about 20% higher than when they're not deployed. What some fail to see is that we're are going in to "free" Iraq. Kinda like how people want to "free" tibet. The French won't help us, because they get 40% of their oil from Iraq, where as we only get like 3-8%. [addsig]

We can't just go in and kill Saddam. It's "illegal" to kill a head of state. Also, all this money that people say we're spending, well that's not really true. This 100's of billions of dollars? Well, we're paying that much money when our troops aren't deployed as well. The ships always sail, the troops always march and eat. The fact is, that our cost to maintain troops in this war time scenario in another country is only about 20% higher than when they're not deployed. What some fail to see is that we're are going in to "free" Iraq. Kinda like how people want to "free" tibet. The French won't help us, because they get 40% of their oil from Iraq, where as we only get like 3-8%.

"Illegal" to kill a head of state. Yeah but its just so legal to not agree with someone and go in and start a war by killing thousands of them. Im not opposed to a war in Iraq. Hell I think we should go in and take him out. We could send someone in, take him out, and then deny resposibility. Take a page out of the terrrorist handbook. But lets call all this we just can't kill him stuff what it is.... political BS. In case people haven't noticed there are alot of people in this world doing whatever they want to. ya just have to look to North Korea to see it. We could just go in and kill him but you won't see it happen it doesn't fit the political agenda for the war in the first place. They say we need to stop Saddam before he makes and uses weapons of mass destruction. While this is true, you know there has to be something bigger behind it. Come on honestly since when have the politicians really cared about your safety or mine? Its all got some kind of political motivation behind it

edited by: jeepin_madness, Mar 01, 2003 - 10:42 AM[addsig]

jeepin, over 24,000 people die there every month, almost 300,000 per year, 3/4 of those are children, innocent children because of sanctions. Will we kill that many when we go in...maybe, but we must go in to liberate Iraq. For the safety of our country and the world. Desert storm never ended, we called a cease fire and they never followed through with the promise to disarm. We need stablize the region. The middle east is on fire. I got news for you Iran is what we are really after. Iran is the head of the snake. [addsig]


jeepin, over 24,000 people die there every month, almost 300,000 per year, 3/4 of those are children, innocent children because of sanctions. Will we kill that many when we go in...maybe, but we must go in to liberate Iraq. For the safety of our country and the world. Desert storm never ended, we called a cease fire and they never followed through with the promise to disarm. We need stablize the region. The middle east is on fire. I got news for you Iran is what we are really after. Iran is the head of the snake.

But who is really to blame for those deaths. Their leader for not following UN resolutions. If he would there would the sanctions would not be in place. Now Im one that believes that the UN is the biggest piece of crap ever unloaded on the American people and the world in general but as long as you are going to have nations following what they say then it comes down to disobey them and suffer. I agree that Saddam has to be stopped. He has shown in the past that he doesn't care. Look what he has done to his own people. I always say there are 2 different kinds of people in this world. Ones that have nukes and aren't crazy enough to use them and ones who want them and are crazy enough to use them. And we all know where Saddam stands.[addsig]

War sucks, been there done that. But having stated the obvious, I got to say, the stepped responce, that Kissinger thought up for Viet Nam. Kinda, kick them in the ass until they stop what they are doing, never has worked very well. Probably would have been better and much less painful in the long run, if we would have stomped on there necks in the first place. Drawing out the agony, doesn´t seem like a smart policy to me. But I´m not insensitive, the people that usually end up hurting the most, are the ones, just doing what they are told to do and trying to live there lives as peacefully as possible.

The last figures I saw, that were plausable (from the Iraqi agricuture dept.) show Saddam and Aziz (Saddam isn´t the only one) have spent twice as much on rearmament, in the last six years, than they did on imported food or medicine.

News flash. The children in Iraq are dieing at an alarming rate, many are malnurished and sick. The Iragi`s state, they are making progress, they say all the children that survive, will be given a brand new FN assault rifle, to resist the US invasion.

News from France: The oil well (Eifel tower) the French have been drilling for the last 103 years, has been declared a dry hole. French show interest in Iraqi oil, but lie through there teeth, by saying there interest is for bettering, the plight of the Iraqi people. The French display there record of management, by showcasing, how they improved the plight, of the poor Africans, in there colonization attempts, in Africa.

News. President Chirac states he is for peace, a piece of Iraq, a piece of Afganistan, a piece of Angola, a piece of the Ivory coast, a piece of Algeria.........add nausium.

News. Noted Sociologist, says the apparently gentic hatred the French have for the Sea Gulls, is because they always beat them, to the good stuff, at the dump. President Chirac, promises to use his veto, for UN resolution 6666, protecting the Sea Gull and disarming all sea gull hunters. :-D

edited by: MudderChuck, Mar 01, 2003 - 10:52 PM[addsig]


Let's also remember something about the French, If it wasn't for those clowns screwing up their beef with Vietnam we never would have had to go in there. When we did go in the French screwed, so there is some great loyalty.............Bullet[addsig]