Next TN Jeepz ride.

I really hate to hear that Danny-O. Either way I will be moving near that time and I was going to be pushing my move date but who cares right, I get to hang out with the tug-ster. anyway, I hate that this all fell apart. It is great that you are working though. Hope you get everything straight. I will be upthere as soon as I can, If I am still welcome.

I'm soooo sorry things didn't work out. Please don't let one apple spoil the bunch :( That apple doesn't represent the barrel. There are still some good folks out there that would really appreciate all you do.

I'm sorry that things didn't work out for the Jeepz week. Maybe we can get together for the holiday in June. Will your jobs let you take off on Monday? Hey Jason - can you and the Mrs. make it for that weekend?

I was hoping to come down and just hang out for the weekend, if you guys aren't busy :lol:

Let me know if it's ok - know you're hurtin' now - AIN'T WE ALL - but if you could find it in your heart to let THIS Yankee visit just one last time to see all the beauty of Tennesse just once more, I'd be forever greatful.

Hope to hear from you,


There maybe some bad apples in the bunch but it is really bad when you do open your lives to people the others forget what was that person may have done for them. I hate that this ride could not get together. I was really looking forward to doing some more trails here. TN is beautiful and I have loved seeing parts that I have never seen before. I just wish some people can move on with things, forgive and forget, life is too short. We all have lives and love to live them. Maybe we can get a weekend together.
No Problems

Well Tug is does deal with me and effect me, in more ways then I rather say on here. I have been stopped seeing how beautiful TN is because I did not have a jeep or anything else to go off roading. When I moved here 4 years ago, I would never have known there was off roading trails here. Now I can not get enough. The past 5 months have been wonderful and also beautiful. When you asked what could have been stopping me a man was but that man is gone and I have moved on to bigger and better things. I hope someday to possible some of the ppl on here if we can get a TN run together. I work full time as a teacher and basically have just the weekends and a very short summer. Due to health reasons I have been stopped from going out though. I would like to know if you know of any trails in Roan Mountain or in that area since it is almost bloom time up there?
As far as the park in Roan Mountain nope that is so regulated that you can not start to believe. Elezabethton area how ever has some great trails up in stoney creek area as well back in behind the little wilbur damn area. If it is the laurals blooming you wish to see however come over to unicoi county and so the dixie creek area cause it will be a tunnel of pink blooms real soon. Smooth ez run with breath taken flowers every where you look. Hope this helps and good luck with finding the trails of your dreams and if I can bo more help I will. Go by the National Forest Center in Unicoi and get some maps of the trails in the area. tug

"Well Tug is does deal with me and effect me, in more ways then I rather say on here. The past 5 months have been wonderful and also beautiful."


PCV Valve

This is rediculous ya'll....... cant ya'z all kinda suck it up a little bit and act like men and women here?!?! The reason this whole topic was started was so that we could all just jeep for a week in a beautiful place, to laugh and have fun and forget about all the other BS that goes on in life, and look what it's turned into.... a HUGE bunch of jibber jabber. I can understand hard times and hard feelings, I think we all can because we all have had them in some point in time or another. And as I am greatful to alot of you for what you've all done, the truth is that we cannot change the past no matter what, life is short and ment to be lived long and well, and no matter what your present looks like to the eye, the ocean keeps on going (i hope that makes sence!). So I feel like if everything is gonna die then let it go in peace, and that be end of it. And I'm sad to see that IF one apple really did go bad, that it caused the whole bunch to rot, because this bushal of "fruits" are not what they used to be :roll:

You're right. What's done is done and nothing can change what has happened. It's a shame things couldn't have worked out better. It's a shame that feelings got hurt, but the bottom line is we all have memories that will be treasured - good, bad, or indifferent. It was a pleasure to have known all of you. May God bless you all in a mighty way and help us all to heal.

Tug (and any other East TN'ers)
I'm new to this site and relatively new to the Jeepn' (little over a year). Can't believe the soap opera this little "get together" has turned into. I turn 51 on the 23rd of June so that week sounded great to me. Unfortunately, I just got on with the DOT down here, so I don't have any time built up. FORTUNATELY, I live in heaven (Western NC) just like YOU!!!! We need to hook up sometime and play in this paradise. My little TJ's a daily driver and still (for a little while) under warranty, so I haven't yet tried the real extreme stuff, but I sure wouldn't mind watchin' (or ridin' along) if someone else wants to give it a shot! I seem to push the limits every time I go out (maybe it's the winch?). Wife has a '94 YJ (that's FINALLY paid off - dialy driver, too!), but she needs to push her limits a bit more, if you know what I mean. I'm tryin', but perhaps she needs the female perspective.......any takers?
Peace to all! Mud4feet