Nightmare Soccer Mom!

I'll have to appologize, our generation's (60's) kids are now mid to late 30 year olds and a lot of them are as snotty and stupid as they come. In school, thru the 70's they were tought "I am No. 1" therefore the attitude. :roll:

That was funny and I would have given her even more. You had great restraint. :wink:

Bounty__Hunter said:
I'm thankful that 99% of the people I deal with are respectful. A little respect goes a long way, and the treatment is generally mutual.

"So you don't know how fast you were going? I guess that means I can write anything I want on the ticket, huh?"

"Warning? You want a warning? Okay, I'm warning you not to do that again or I'll give you another ticket".

"Fair? You want me to be fair? Listen, fair is a place where you go to ride on rides, eat cotton candy, and step in monkey poop".

"Ya, we have a quota. Two more tickets and my wife gets a toaster oven".

"No, sir, we don't have quotas anymore. We used to have quotas, but now we're allowed to write as many tickets as we want".

"You didn't think we give pretty women tickets? You're right, we don't. Sign here".

Dude I am in stitches right now!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

PZZZAAATTTTT.... comply.... PZZZZAAAAAATTTTTTT :shock: :? :shock: :? :shock: :?
RE: dumb question about a soft top...

I'm with you on the pretty girl thing. My wife used to have an 01 Cobra. You could speed in that thing without turning the key, not to mention it sounded like it was speeding even in Park. We got pulled over one night doing 62 in a 45. She was driving and moments before, I told her she was going too fast. We get pulled over and are going through the routine, the cop asked what she did for a living and she told him that she was a nurse. He said that he was not in the habit of giving nurses tickets and let us go.
Now I'm not wishing a ticket on my wife, but do you think the result would have been the same if I was driving. "Officer, I'm an industrial hydraulics specialist." "Oh really, here's your ticket. Have a nice day."
For the record, she is 29, drives like Mario Andretti and has never gotten a ticket after being pulled over at least 5 times.
I've got more tickets than a Skee Ball machine.
But back to the original post...that's pretty darn funny. What kind of state gives you a ticket for honking the horn??? I have never heard of such.
redrooster said:
What kind of state gives you a ticket for honking the horn??? I have never heard of such.
Maryland can...
§ 22-401. Horns and warning devices.

(b) When to be used.- The driver of a motor vehicle shall, when reasonably necessary to insure safe operation, give audible warning with his horn, but may not otherwise use the horn when on a highway.

§ 21-504. Drivers to exercise due care.

(a) In general.- Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, the driver of a vehicle shall exercise due care to avoid colliding with any pedestrian.

(b) Duty to warn pedestrians.- Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, the driver of a vehicle shall, if necessary, warn any pedestrian by sounding the horn of the vehicle.

§ 21-1412. Special provisions for tunnels.

(c) Sounding horns or flashing headlights prohibited.- The driver of a vehicle may not sound his horn or flash his headlights in a tunnel.

I wouldn't go looking for the ignoramis just to give her the inspection ticket. She'll find trouble on her own.

Who knows, maybe when she gets her re-adjusted insurance rates she may calm down a bit. I doubt it but who knows.

There sure are some real pieces of work out there!
She could get out of the horn honking ticket based on 21-504b. She was just warning you that she was coming through. I think that the hand gesture was merely an attempt to tell you that you're number one!
(I should have been an attorney)
§ 21-1412. Special provisions for tunnels.

(c) Sounding horns or flashing headlights prohibited.- The driver of a vehicle may not sound his horn or flash his headlights in a tunnel.

I didn't know you can't honk your horn in a tunnel. I did it a couple of weeks ago in the Harbor Tunnel when some knucklehead started to cross over into my lane. Seemed a much better choice than laying on my brakes and hoping the guy tailgating me at the time was awake.

RE: axle replacement

ya, it's illegal to honk your horn here too, unless you HAVE to warn another driver of something.

I got pulled over for that one time in my Jeep. Before the officer got to my car, I pulled the horn fuse real fast and stuck it in my pocket. Then I simply showed him my horn did not work and it must have been someone else that he heard.
Bounty__Hunter said:
I'm thankful that 99% of the people I deal with are respectful. A little respect goes a long way, and the treatment is generally mutual.

"So you don't know how fast you were going? I guess that means I can write anything I want on the ticket, huh?"

"Warning? You want a warning? Okay, I'm warning you not to do that again or I'll give you another ticket".

"Fair? You want me to be fair? Listen, fair is a place where you go to ride on rides, eat cotton candy, and step in monkey poop".

"Ya, we have a quota. Two more tickets and my wife gets a toaster oven".

"No, sir, we don't have quotas anymore. We used to have quotas, but now we're allowed to write as many tickets as we want".

"You didn't think we give pretty women tickets? You're right, we don't. Sign here".

See now, I like to flip it around on the officers:

Do you know why I pulled you over?

- The heroin in the glovebox? (classic, always gets a smile out of them if you are a clean cut respectable looking citizen NOTE: if you have dreads do not attempt this one!)

- The body in the trunk? (also a good one, considering TJ's have no trunk)

- The grenade under the seat (would not recommend this one, may get kind of tense if you come across an officer who is jittery)

- You're a Jeeper too! :D

Do you know how fast you were going?

- apparently not fast enough you caught up (did not get me out of the 102mph in a 75 zone breezing through Montana in a rented caddy last year though!)

- No. Thats your job, I was just trying to keep this thing on the road! (never tried that one, implies drunkedness)

- I was doing zero, but this here car was doing a clip I tell you what.

Side note: Did you know you can do up to like 35mph over the speed limit in Montana and its a flat rate of something like $60? And take care of it right there on the side of the road, with cash! Best $$ I have spent on tickets yet, made Cody Wyoming to Idaho in like an hour and ten minutes!! But those state troopers don't like young 20-something couples blowing through the state in a brand new stark white Cadillac DeVille with Oregon plates @ over a hundred..... I can attest!

Sorry guys for the rediculous postings, I am bored silly at work! :wink:
RE: 2001 Grand Cherokee start up problems, etc

Yeah...slap it to the soccer Mom. Rude and disrespectful should never fly.

Gotta agree with the rest NICE to the police officer.
I was pulled over a few weeks ago for the first time in 8 years.
In the Jeep...speeding (yes it's possible). Well I was probably less than 10mph over the limit. One of those roads out in the boon docks that for some reason is listed as 45mph instead of 55mph. Cop issues me a warning. BUT, my 4-year old who was in the backseat is now constantly reminding me about the speed limit. He can see the speedometer and checks it against the posted speed limit sign EVERYTIME. My wife just laughs!! Of course the little guy is probably why I only got the warning. The cop walks up and before I could acknowledge him my son says "Hi, are you looking for bad guys?"

Nail 'er!!!! A$$holes need to be shown that they're A$$holes at every opportunity......................sometimes they learn.

Much respectful of our law enforcement officers,
Let it go.

You did your job.

You upheld the law.

Tomorrow is another day.

There will be plenty more just like her.


Long ago learned to leave work at work, Gadget
Inspector-Gadget said:
Let it go.

You did your job.

You upheld the law.

Tomorrow is another day.

There will be plenty more just like her.


Long ago learned to leave work at work, Gadget

I rescind my last post. Gadget, you, once again show your wisdom.

Long ago learned the same thing but forget at times,

Inspector-Gadget said:
Let it go.

You did your job.

You upheld the law.

Tomorrow is another day.

There will be plenty more just like her.


Long ago learned to leave work at work, Gadget

well said (typed).
I thought I had a good suggestion for you until I read Gadgets post. I gotta roll with him on this one.

or give her the tazer.....either way.

Tazer sounds nice, but our city will never get them. They are too scared after a local county deputy accidentally grabbed his Beretta instead of his tazer to shoot a fleeing felon. He said, "oops wrong gun". His oops lost us th privelidge of ever using a tazer.

graewulf said:
Its a good thing stupidity isnt contagious

Maybe not contagious, but her actions are training her kids in the art of dealing with authoity figures. When her kid gives her a bunch of junk as a teenager she'll wonder 'where did he/she learn such disrespect?' :roll:
