NO power!!


New member
Recently acquired a 93 jeep YJ from my ex... in the last 3 months i've had the trans rebuilt and now the rear end (upgraded to 410 gears). But I still have a whistling noise coming from the middle of the jeep, and now it has no power on take off or hills. Once you get up to speed the noise go's away and your power is fine. I'm lost, dont know what to do next, other than to sell my money pit.... but we have so much fun in it.....PLEASE HELP

That whistling noise says one thing to me. It's either an exhaust leak or a serious vacuum leak. Either or both will cause you to lose power. My YJ is suffering from the same power loss problem after getting rear-ended, the force of it broke something in my exhaust system. I plan to replace the entire system with a good header-back system after it comes back from the body shop.
I think vacuum leak. one trick is to get a can of starter fluid and spray around the vacuum hoses and connections. If the idle surges, you have found the leak. Careful not to spray it on the hot exhaust. If there is a whistle, it may be very easy to find.

Thanks for all the great tips, and suggestions. I changed out the cat and muffler and problem seems to be fixing.. runs so much better and the noise is gone.. thanks again.