October Baseball !!!!


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That was quite an opener to the Yankees vs. Redsox series. Where are all my Boston buddies? We had an interesting thread this time last year.

Huge Yankee fan here and I couldn't be more relieved to get past Schilling. I think he might have bit the bullet with the shutting up 50,000 people quote. I cant wait for game 2.

Who's your daddy!
(sorry I had to get that in)

I'm not a huge Yankees fan this year. I am more of a home town boy this year cheering for the Astros, but I think that NY will still beat the Sox.
I am hoping for a Yanks vs Astros World series. Beltran needs to see Yankee Stadium in Oct (nov) so he jumps ship to play for the yanks next year :)
I'm hoping for a Yankees vs Astros world series as well. But LEAVE BELTRAN ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I repeat LEAVE BELTRAN ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He has been the single biggest impact player to the Astros in years. He is a great player both on defense and offense. He also has a great attitude. I'm really hoping that we can get him back next year. If he and Roger are back and Andy is healthy we will have an even better chance in the playoffs. This season has been quite a rollercoaster with injuries, slumps, charges and winning streaks, unknown players playing well in big games, etc. I hope that we can be debating NY vs Hou in a week or so. Once again..........LEAVE BELTRAN ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Come on its only fair. Houston steals away Pettite and Clemens so the Yanks should get Beltran. I wouldnt worry too much. From the interviews I have seen, it seems like Beltran really likes Houston.

Where are all the Redsox folks... no need to hide because of last nights game its still a long series.

GO RED SOX!!!!!!!!!!!
Pedro's gonna win tonight and then the sox will be all set headin back into Boston.
This is the year. I say that every year but i mean it this time.
The Yankees vs Redsox postseason series are always just too good. I was spent after last years. I think I actually missed 1 of the world series games.

If the Astros could pitch Roger and Oswalt in games 1 & 2 I would say Astros in 5, but because of the long series we have our number 3 starter (Backe) on the mound tonight. Roger and Oswalt will only see one start each in this series, combine that with the fact that two of our original starting 5 (Pettitte and Miller) are injured it makes our pitching very suspect. But they have been playing well without those for a while now so we will see.............GO ASTROS!!!!!!!!
Well Houston lost due to the afore mentioned young pitching plus a weak bullpen, and add to that some bad defense. I see that the Sox lost as well.

Man I gotta say that Lieber vs. Pedro game was another good one. This series has got it all. Its nice that the Yanks are on the winning end of these games. Pedro clocking in at 96 mph. I dont think he did that this year. He was shooting high 80s low 90s out of spring training. I dont think this series is leaving Boston! Anyone want to change there vote after game 2?
judge09 said:
Man I gotta say that Lieber vs. Pedro game was another good one. This series has got it all. Its nice that the Yanks are on the winning end of these games. Pedro clocking in at 96 mph. I dont think he did that this year. He was shooting high 80s low 90s out of spring training. I dont think this series is leaving Boston! Anyone want to change there vote after game 2?
I am all for the sox! Just cant stand the yankees! I really want the sox to win but clearly the yankees have more money than the sox. Thats what sports is about these days......who's got the most money.

Dont even bring out the payroll issue. Thats not what its all about in sports. Look at the Marlins last year or this year we have St. Louis is 9th in payroll and Houston is 12th. If its all about the money someone should tell the mets this. They shell out almost $100 million a year in payroll and suck. Bottom line is the game is played on the field!

It has been a great series. It might be a little too much on the heart for me. I cant believe Gordon and Rivera blew the past 2 games. The Yanks had things wrapped up. Ofcourse it wouldnt be a Yanks/redsox series if it went 4-0 or 4-1. I just dont think I can handle a game 7. Then Yanks need to finish things.