October Baseball !!!!

What's the deal with rioting after a team wins? This all started with those nutty World Cup soccer championships overseas. I blame them :lol:

Schilling was again unbelieveable. I think it safe to say that man is a first round Hall of Famer.

Go Sox
TwistedCopper said:
Schilling was again unbelieveable. I think it safe to say that man is a first round Hall of Famer.

Go Sox
see i'm not sure i agree with that. he's been great over the last few years, but if you look at his career numbers, he's not necessarily a first ballot hall of famer. i agree that he will get there one day. and i also agree with peter gammons starting to think of him as one of the greatest postseason pitchers of all time, but first ballot hall of famer might be hard to justify.

he's had only 3 twenty win seasons, never had an ERA under 2, though he does eat up a lot of innings, he also serves up the long ball on a regular basis, no cy young's, though thats up for discussion as he's had years where he could/should have won, but was beaten out by a hair. (by randy johnson in 02, and probably by johan santana this year) one thing in his favor is that he's always had good command, very few walks are issued by schilling. his record is 184-123. not the numbers of a first ballot hall of famer. if he continues at this pace for the rest of his contract, and beyond, and can reach the 250 win mark, i'd say he gets in there first ballot. but if he were to hang him up after this season, i'd say no way first ballot.

TC - not to start an argument about it or anything, just something i firmly believe. but you know what? to me, if the sox win the series this year, HOF does not matter. i'll be able to name every player on this team until the day i die.

just like if they dont win this year, 10 years from now you could be at a bar, and some guy will mumble "remember game 7 when grady little...." and you'll just mumble.

HOF or not, schilling is a winner and a warrior in my mind. regardless of how this season, or his career end.
New forum appearance

I think I have to agree with that arguement. Ok, maybe not the first round, but he'll be there.

One thing though - starting pitchers having an ERA under 2.00 for a season have become almost extinct with a juiced ball, smaller parks, and lowered mound.

I was pretty shocked when I heard the moved the Green Monsta in several feet a while back for "more room for seating". I think they all have moved the fences up for the same reason they lowered the mound.
bchcky said:
TwistedCopper said:
Schilling was again unbelieveable. I think it safe to say that man is a first round Hall of Famer.

Go Sox
and i also agree with peter gammons starting to think of him as one of the greatest postseason pitchers of all time, but first ballot hall of famer might be hard to justify.

Ok first round hall of famer...eh NO! I understand Boston fans are riding a high right now (and justifiably so) but curt doesnt have the career numbers 184 wins, and under 3000 strike outs. Maybe if he gets 30-40 more wins and gets over that 3000 strike out mark he might have a shot at first ballot and that would couple with a week induction class. Like was mentioned before he was a late bloomer. Probably a lock at some point but I dont think the first ballot. It has been said many times before a HOF career is not made in one season and curt has been making a good effort at putting together a HOF career but he wouldnt get my first ballot vote.

H O L Y S H I T ! ! ! ! !

i dont even know what to think. the red sox just won the world series, that was the greatest i've ever seen. i'm still numb. there are no words. congratulations to tim wakefield, derek lowe, jason varitek, trot nixon and pedro martinez, the ones that have been there the longest. and to the rest of the team as well. i'm speachless

I drove through Kenmore Squ this morning, It was nuts, the Bus with the players on it was pulling up, so I stopped and hung out, had a beer! Oh ya this was 7:30 this morning!