Iam having problems trouble shooting why my oil pressure gauge is always max. out..
If you turn on the ignition switch it goes all the way up.. Turn it off it drops to 0.. If anyone has any Ideas please let me know.. Thanks [addsig]
Does it go all the way up with turning the key to on but without actually starting the jeep? If so, then it sounds like some kind of electrical or sending unit type of problem.
Here's my suspicion...
There is a short somewhere in the wiring for your oil pressure sending unit.
If you say that it shows max EVEN when the sending unit is unplugged, then that would suggest that there is little to no resistance being registered by the gauge.
If you read the article, it indicates that the higher the resistance, the closer to zero, and the lower the resistance, the closer to 80.
I've had the same problem before too and it is definitely your sending unit,they are relatively inexpensive, so avoid any frustration and buy a new one...
when the sending unit is malfunction it reads the same as a short. If you don't buy a new one right away keep good track of your oil level your jeep will probably be eating it fast.[addsig]