Old Bolts Got You Down?


New member

Man this lift has made a mark. hehehehe being with out a torch today left me heading out for a sawzall in the morning. Ubolts will not turn loose and my bolt cutters will not scrach them dawgs. Hanger Bolts are in a place that I am haveing a time getting leverage on. Other wise this is going much ezer than I thought it would. PB Buster all over the thing maybe by morning the stuff will be a bit ezer. Tug[addsig]


Best of luck Tug we are all with you in spirt,,,, :-D [addsig]

just cut them all... an angle grinder with a cutting wheel was a SAVIOR in our SOA project[addsig]

Go forth and Grind, Grind, Grind..

Tug I am so excited you're finally
able to continue building your dream
up,,, Very proud of all involved in
setting up the Tennessee Run..

Do you have any sponsers.?

Figure all the Mods going on,
They Parts people are making a killing on us,
Why not give back to the ride.?

You have been an inspiration to me.

K9~ OUT!



If you have a compressor, or can rent one, get a plasma cutter. I have one, and I used it went I did my lift, cut through a grade 8 bolt on about a minute![addsig]

use those tennessee teeth

Both of them! hehehe tug

No Sir,,, just the space in-between... :-D
(just kidding)

The lift is going quiet well I have the front end pretty much complete. Will finish it up in the A.M. not bad for a one man show with out a clue! hehehe Old bolts are the pitts. Sawsall just don't get it on them stuck rear hanger bolts in the front. The bushings seized into a unit. I took the ol high lift and braced the foot on the hanger on one side and the business end on the end of the bolt (after I removed the nut) and give her a pump and the loose side bracket gave before the bolt did. Man there is no reason for this non sence. Anit Seize going on all threads as I replace the mess. Replaceing all bolts with grade 8. This is a real project for one man. Advice so far "do not go this alone," I have muscles that hurt that I had forgot I even had. lol tug[addsig]


I replaced all 4 of my springs in 6 hours. I cut all the old bolts with a die grinder.[addsig]

for BBJ, we had to heat up the spring hangers and bend the metal out after cutting off the bolt heads and removing the nut... then pull the springs out with the remainder of the bolt still in it... you won't be reusing your old main leaf, but we were going soa, so we had to use the original pack... we then heated that up, broke down the bushing, then twisted away with a pipe wrench... took some time, but got her[addsig]


For those without cutting torches - The easiest way that we have found to remove the spring bolts without a torch is to use a die grinder with a cutoff wheel or an angle grinder. You will need to get the wheel between the spring purch and the spring. Always remember it is better to grind against the spring then the purch. You will put up with the smell of burnt rubber and binding but it will cut through. You will need to cut on both sides of the spring. The sleeve gets rusted inside of the bushings and makes it so the bolt can't slip though. I recommend the cutoff wheel set up also for the Ubolts. We never pull a wrench out for Ubolts we just cut them with the cutoff wheel everytime. It's faster. Good luck

ECOR [addsig]

ecor you are telling me all this just a bit to late but thanks. That is just what I have done and I am done. Just a few loose ends to tie up and the ol YJ will be on the road again. Man what a difference this lift has made. I hate old sezieshanger bolts. tug[addsig]