OT: party gone wrong.


New member
So, what night we had last night at my house. My brother and sister turned 18 last night. Anywho, party in the back yard, i came home from the girlfriends house around midnight and i heard all kinds of noise from the backyard. few bottles of rum and a keg was there..now around 2:30ish AM the police showed up, didn't ring the doorbell, walked right in the backyard, by the way, all the party goers where under 21. They all managed to get the beer and rum from who knows where. So, the police came and asked what the hubbub was cause somebody who lives near me called the police because of the loud noise. I was inside the house until one of them walked in the back door, into my kitchen. I was like holy S, get out of my house. he left and i went outsdie to see what was going on. Anywho after all is said and done the police arrested my father(he was sleeping at the time). Had no idea about beer rum in the backyard, but knew about the party. They charged him what i think was "Serving minors" cuffed him and went to the station. Now correct me if i wrong but are police able to come into my yard for a noise call? can they walk into my kitchen without consent? Was in necessary to cuff my father? Any lawers or police in our fine family that could tell me the word on what was right and what was wrong that the police did?

Someone should have yelled out "The po po's are here! Grab the beer and run!" But really that sucks. Hope you get your dad out of there soon.
hes out, was just brought to the station to get charged. eh. I'm sure it'll be fine, just a pain to get a lawer and miss a day of work. None of the people ended up driving home and crashing into trees, good thing they used common sense and walked.
Thats what is important. Getting the drunk people home in one piece. Which means keep them out of the driver seat.

Damn dude that really sucks. I've been to so many parties that have been broken up by cops. In my area though all they do is break up the party and leave. They do have the right to go into your yard or house if they were to actually witness a minor drinking or something like that. The only time they will even think about making an arrest is if people start running. If the cops come, chill, don't run. Think about it, are they gonna arrest 25, 50, 200 people? hell no. Anyways, I don't really know what I'm talking about cuz I'm still tipsy. I love summer. Parties every day.

I got a bad cop story too. On Monday some cop decides me and a buddy of mine look suspicious so he follows me around for 15 minutes just waiting for me to **** up somewhere. FInDally he pulls me over because "I don't have enough mirrors". My driver side mirror was folded in. So, I folded it out and asked if I can go. He asked for my drivers license to see if I had any warrants or anything. This is when I started to get somewhat nervous. I have a fake ID that I keep under my real ID so I had to take out my license really sneaky so he couldn't see it. (Also I had 151, captain mo's and weed in my locking center console but I would never have let him search my car) So, he comes back from looking me up and gives me back my license than starts looking around my car as much as he can without a warrant. Also he is pointing out everything that is wrong with my car like how my tires stick out to far and how my lcd screen is illegal and all this crap. Finally he lets me go. I hate when cops find dumb*** reasons to pull you over just to try to find something bigger.

Anyways, yea, cops suck, parties rule. I can't wait till college this fall cuz I know it's gonna be even better than this summer and this summer has been awesome.
yes and yes, and here in mass, kids have a party and the parents are half way around the world, if one person is under age, and should something happen like a car accident involving tha minor, the parents are still responsible!

How old are you? You seem anxious to show off your illicit lifestyle and encourage others to be like you. I sure as HELL (excuse my language) hope you don't drink and drive. You don't sound responsible in any other way and there are minors reading this.

LGR, I hate to say it but I agree. Cops are cops and what are you going to do? They have all kinds of rights that you don't. IF there is underage drinking, I'm sure they are allowed to do alot. That is a serious offense and a serious way to get someone screwed up for life, starting early. The cops are doing a good job cutting back on underage drinking and smoking these days by working with other agencies to keep it out of the kids homes, parties, and schools. I can't blame them.

I'll get off my soapbox now, sorry.

Yeah, you can't blame a police officer for doing his job. I'm sure some of them have been on the scene and seen first hand of the results of drinking and driving. That said, I think we should understand they they may have a little more motivation in curbing it than just merely carrying out the law. We've all known or heard about a kid getting killed or severely injured as a result at one time or another - it happens all too often. I know, kids will be kids but with all the new laws out there, all I can say is if you are gonna do it, go somewhere where your actions wont cost others, have designated drivers, and/or camp out. Even if everyone is planning on staying the night someone has to stay straight for the occaisional accident or keg stand gone awry (ask me about my broken collarbone hehehe).
I have never driven drunk and have never let anyone drive drunk. Before everyone starts drinking you just make sure that everyone has a ride home or is crashing at the party.

Have fun! Be Safe!

I have had my underage drinking bashes. Normally our cops would say, "If you are 21 or Older stand over here, everyone else go over there." I stood in the 21+ group and was never questioned.

As for "Weed" I don't think it has any kind of place for even being mentioned on this board. I don't care how much or when you had it in your rig.
you have a jeep right noskils???????? nothing is better than a bon-fire party so deep in the woods that the cops cant even get there. we used to get tents and have a kegger in the middle of nowhere. if any of my buddies were driving cars, i would just drive back and forth hauling jeep loads of people to the camp site, and whoever else had a 4x4 would do the same. good times, no cops, nobody died, living in the country is great.

edit to add that we were responsible about the fire too, and we never started a forest fire.....
that sounds like the cops in my city noskils.. can you say unfair harassing of teens?
Doesn't sound like he was unfairly harassed to me. The cop followed him under the suspicion that he was breaking the law. Turns out he was: fake i.d., underage possesion of alcohol and possession of drugs. Now, how was it that the cop was wrong? He should have hauled you in.
We have all been there and I feel more than lucky to have lived as long as I have with some of the crap that I used to do at that age. I like to consider that most everyone on this board is of reasonable intelligence or I wouldn't hang here, but you sir, take the cake. I have already had to trash you once for your ridiculous comments on gas prices, now you get on here bashing the cops for doing their jobs when you were in the wrong.
Maybe you should take him letting you off as a sign to pull your pants up from around your butt, tighten your belt, get a haircut and grow up.

maybe i should rephrase to: the unfair profiling of all teens as trouble makers that would make the cop follow 2 teens in a jeep. as for the rest of your post im guessing you're not talking to me as i have no recollection of anything ive said relating to gas prices.
Yeah, i know the police had every right to come in the backyard, but in the house? without asking any of the people who live here? Eh, i'm just pissed because my mindless brother and sister had a party with beer and stuff and did not let my father even know, I mean, common sense, its 2 am, calm down or call it quits. Just pretty crappy that nobody had any consideration. Now the pops is dealing with their bad idea. I mean, i'm 21, that would only get me in more trouble because i knew about it. Well. Yeah, the drinking and driving thing was stopped, I stole everyone's keys during the party. Left them on the front porch in a bucket for the next morning.
That sucks about your dad. What is he going to do with the kids? I bet he is going to lay the smack down.
What sucks even more is that if your parents would not have been home they probably would have taken you to jail.
The cops do have the right to come in the house when a complaint is called in and they have reason to suspect that something illegal is going on. That's just the way it goes.

they have the right to do whatever they want because no body checks them and if somebody does, its your word against an officers and you'll always lose
I'm not sure what the the police had a right (or no right) to do... but, if there were under age people consuming alcohol outside, then to me, they would have just cause for a reason to enter the home and perform a search. Not sure if they have to have a warrant to enter though.... perhaps Bounty could shed some light as to the rights...

As for following someone in their vehicle, i don't see anythiing wrong with that... as long as you do nothing wrong, they will eventually go somewhere else. If an officer does pull you over for something related to mirrors, or tires, or whatever else, just let him do his thing then carry on your way.... especially if you are getting away with something that you know you shouldn't be. I'm sure they aren't going to keep you for too long....
I myself was a victim of what I considered police harassment back about 13 years ago. Don't get me wrong, I support the police and think they're doing an excellent job at keeping drunks off the streets and the drugs out of kids hands but some of them do go way overboard. I think the power of being a cop goes to some of their heads...especially the new rookies. When I was 17 I got pulled over with a couple of buddies on a friday night....just to check to see if we had any booze in the car. I happened to have my baseball bat behind the back seat from the previous days ball game. The cop took my bat away, towed my vehicle and charged me with having a weapon in my posession. I took him to court and won of course. I also filed a formal complaint against him and his captin made him come to my house and give me a personal appology. They also had to pay for the towing bill. When we got caught drinking underage most of the cops would just pour it out and tell us to either go home or they would call our parents. As for pot, that's a whole nother issue that's being fought in our government right now to try and legalize it. My opinion on pot is that it isn't any different than alochol....they both can harm you and you have to be responsible and not overdue it.

I think the power of being a cop goes to some of their heads...especially the new rookies.

ayep, two of them was rookies. The third cop i knew and he said if he was first officer here, it would have been a calm down, quiet down. Call this party an end.

How they are feeling that day plays a big role in how they'll act with things like this.