OT: party gone wrong.

Noskills - kind of ironic that you want the government to interfere with gas prices to force me to own a more economical car (imposing self control upon us), but you don't want laws that impose self contol on your part (underage drinking, illicit drug possesion & abuse) enforced.

I avoided replying to the gas post because at the time I was driving over 100 miles a day (I have since knocked my commute by half) to support my family and quite frankly, my temper would not allow a reasonable reply but after seeing your first post in this thread I realized what a double standard you have presented. I'm not trying to bust your chops, you're just a young guy fill of piss and vinegar much like I was at your age but I couldn't help pointing that out.
TJ transfer case lowering kit on a YJ???

So now you see why Dad and Mom can be such a drag!!!! If I was your dad all kids involved would be would be looking or a place to hide right now. Finding a hole to crawl into and then pulling it in after them cause when the Po Po let me go I would be kicking some kid's tails and mostly but not only your sister and brothers for allowing me to get snared like that. If you serve minors and get caught I guess you are in trouble big and that was just what was happening! but just think how ol dad felt to be in bed and knowing not what was going on then getting carted of to jail for the actions of your rotten kids! Dang I would be all up in thier face for like the whole rest of thier world! As for the cop's Just doing their job! I would bet the door was standing open and folks were just wondering in and out "cause I been to a party or two" so then the cop's have the open area rights of the guest. Sucks to be a Dad some times. I know! tug

Yeah, and i'm looking foward to being dad sometime. I'm sure my kids will be rotten too! Well, on the plus side, the person that brought the keg didn't take it until the next day and that gave me plenty of time to rob the tap. hooray me
Sucks to be a Dad some times. I know!

I figure it's all pay-back.......kinda knew it was coming, but doesn't make it any easier to handle. Luckily, my son turns 21 Aug. 20th and he's doin' great. Finally got his head together - makes it all worth it.
LGR said:
Yeah, and i'm looking foward to being dad sometime. I'm sure my kids will be rotten too!

Advice from tug to all the yougen's out there! Please take a good look into the words that are coming out of mt mouth! Think serious about this statment befor you make judgement! OK

Tug says "You can have kids" or "You can have anything you want" but "You can not have both!"


"I got kids and they are a lot of trouble, but they are worth it!" Ever notice that you hear this one from everyone that has them but they are always either looking away from you or looking down when they say it!


Yeah, and i'm looking foward to being dad sometime. I'm sure my kids will be rotten too!

Old Indian saying...."Never judge a man 'til you walk a mile in his moccasins"......Just wait.....whole different world.
Tug-n-pull said:
"I got kids and they are a lot of trouble, but they are worth it!" Ever notice that you hear this one from everyone that has them but they are always either looking away from you or looking down when they say it!


I don't have any problem looking you square in the eye when I say that, but my kids (4 of them) aren't teens yet either!
I don't have any problem looking you square in the eye when I say that, but my kids (4 of them) aren't teens yet either!
4 of them! God, I admire you, twisted. But they aren't teens yet?..........that's when the test begins, trust me (unless, of course, you get lucky)

Best of luck...... father mud

not sure about the state that you live in but in pa when you buy a keg you have to fill out a form and show i.d. no matter how old you are. that way when this sort of thing happens they know exactly who bought the keg.
When I have kids (will be a LONG time from now hopefully...thank you condoms, pill cuz I would feel so horrible if my girl had to get an abortion), I will let them and there friends come over and drink whenever they want. As long as none of them drive home drunk or be extremely loud than they can do whatever they want.
noskils32 said:
When I have kids (will be a LONG time from now hopefully...thank you condoms, pill cuz I would feel so horrible if my girl had to get an abortion), I will let them and there friends come over and drink whenever they want. As long as none of them drive home drunk or be extremely loud than they can do whatever they want.

Yea right just waite till you have them kid's then post this again heheheehe I remember being of the same mind set way back when the kids were oh so small then they were of the age to such nonsence and bang I was like dang I am turning into my dad after all! tug

misc parts for sale....

noskils32 said:
When I have kids (will be a LONG time from now hopefully...thank you condoms, pill cuz I would feel so horrible if my girl had to get an abortion), I will let them and there friends come over and drink whenever they want. As long as none of them drive home drunk or be extremely loud than they can do whatever they want.
Remember, you can probably get away with letting your kids do whatever they want at home (as long as social services doesn't find out) but if you let your kid's friends drink and do whatever, you could get sued by their parents.
I know a lot of parents who allow their kids to drink in their house as long as they can control it and dont let it get overboard i think thats fine. Letting other kids drink that you are not responsible for is very irresponsible as a parent though, you could get in a world of hurt for letting something like that go on in your house hold. I believe it is legal for you to let your kid drink with your concent in your house, not 100% sure though, things might have changed.

As for weed i agree with Craig, it is the same as alcohal. It hurts you and if used misproperly i believe they're should be serious conciquences. I do believe it should be legal and if canada legalized it im movin there. heh. I think its unfair to people who would rather smoke weed than drink to have to worry about serious conciquences including jail time. But this is just my opinion, If weed is illegal alcohal should be as well. Sorry to hear about your dad man, its b/s when cops arrest people not at fault, if they are 18 then they should be held responsible, especially if your dad didnt know or provide the alcohal. good luck in court with that, im sure it will blow over and you will win. Im done ranting. ~justin~
I would feel so horrible if my girl had to get an abortion
You obviously wouldn't feel too bad if you let her do it. That just goes to show how irresponsible you are. You wouldn't even be man enough to step up to the plate.
One of these days, you are going to have to grow up and be responsible for your own actions or you will end up laying under a bridge with a cheap bottle of wine wondering why the world has treated you so bad.

we went from police breaking up a party to abortions. hehe
Well, I work as an officer in a college town on the eastern shore of Maryland and let me tell anyone who thinks its acceptible to drive under the influence, think again. Last summer I had to notify an 85 year old woman that her husband was just killed in an accident. The driver at fault ran a red light in his brand new Jeep Wrangler, and T-boned the elderly gentleman, causing the victims car to roll several times. Turns out the driver of the Wrangler was a 17 year old kid, driving under the influence of alcohol, and guess what else, how about he had a little weed in his pants pocket. Does the person who had the illegal IDs, weed, and alcohol think that its ok to act like he did? The driver of the Wrangler is doing a year in jail for vehicular manslaughter, and will never have a drivers license in Maryland or any other state that works with Maryland again. In court the defense attorney told the judge that the kid was just growing up and having fun. I don't know about the kid with the fake ID kid, but my idea of having fun does not include killing someone. Remember what fake ID's can do? Think 9/11? Its one thing to lie about your age, but to alter, or fabricate an ID is a crime, and you should be, and hoepfully will be caught and prosecuted tot he fullest extent.

I'm sorry your father got arrested, but I don't know what that arresting agencies policies are. In MD we write citations, but i still wouldn't have charged him, I would have charged the kids who threw the party and anyone else who lied or ran. As for walking onto or into your house, depends on your local ordinances for the noise violation. Where i am located, its a criminal violation for any noise to be permitted after 10 PM that could be heard beyond 10 ft away from your residence/ vehicle. It is an arrestable offense, but we can writie citations instead. Arrests are kept for jerks.

Sorry it took a while to post another view from the popo side of things, this being a jeep site the title of the post didn't initially appeal to me. I'm glad everybody here is keeping this at a mature level and not taking things personally, that's why this site is better than most others.

jeepmaster said:
they have the right to do whatever they want because no body checks them and if somebody does, its your word against an officers and you'll always lose
That's an immature statement, there are checks and balances in place and nobody has that kind of free reign. Everybody is accountable in one fashion or another.

Tug-n-pull said:
As for the cop's Just doing their job! I would bet the door was standing open and folks were just wondering in and out "cause I been to a party or two" so then the cop's have the open area rights of the guest.
Tug hit the nail on the head here.
#1) Underage drinking is observed outdoors
#2) Open door and party goers freely entering and exiting residence
#4) Officers have the same access as those freely entering and exiting, most commonly for the limited scope of looking for the same violations observed outdoors. The officer could have observed somebody walk in or out with alcohol, do you really know?

jeeprostyle said:
I know a lot of parents who allow their kids to drink in their house as long as they can control it and dont let it get overboard i think thats fine.
That's just it, it's tough to control an underage drinking party. How many of these parents mingle with the party goers and actually observe who comes and goes, and who does what. I've been to too many calls where something has went wrong and the party host stated, "I tried to keep things under control". You just never know when something is going to go awry, and it happens more than you think.

As for the kid stopped with weed and booze in the console, sounds like the officer's instincts were right on, just no cause observed for a warrantless search of the vehicle. If you think long and hard enough you'll probably come up with why the cop followed you in the first place, and I highly doubt it's because you're a teenager.
This thread will remain open until something gets out of hand. It hasnt gotten out of hand yet and I dont think it will.
In court the defense attorney told the judge that the kid was just growing up and having fun. I don't know about the kid with the fake ID kid, but my idea of having fun does not include killing someone.

Its hard to believe that a attorney would say that? I'd toss the kid away for the attorney saying such a stupid thing. Yeah, i don't know what fun it is to kill somebody for your mistakes. I'd never want to get back behind the wheel if i ever did that. Some things are just known...you've been drinking, smoking weed...no car. walk, how hard is it to pick up your car the next day? call a taxi if its too far. atleast you do the right thing by not driving. If I go to the bar, i don't drive, i have a friend do it, even if i'm going just for one, i'd rather be safe then sorry.