OT= Prayers for LJF's Grands


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They are calling for 2-4 inches of snow today. It just started snowing in lower Maryland and is supposed to snow through to midnight.

I have a set of elderly grands needing help so I am driving over to them bout an hour each way. Hopefully the tards will stay away from me on the road. I know today is one of the most travelled days.

Unfortunately, my granda was put in the hospital christmas eve morning through emergency and he is 85. Looks like a blood infection (bacterial). He is healthy otherwise except for diabeties and general weaknesses due to age.

Meanwhile, My grandma is 87 and having a time going it alone back home. When you've been married for 60+ years you just can't do without each other. At thier ages as well, they are very reliant on each others strenghts and weaknesses but the gaps are huge.

Family stayed with her the first night but I worry endlessly about her. She has been alone two nights now. She is so strong though, she told me on the phone last night "well other people can stay along through the night and I finally figured out that I can do it too".

I was there when she had her first phone call to him in the hospital. She told him "you have to get better and come home, someone has to keep me company and I need you." I know it broke her heart to have him gone for Christmas. The whole ordeal that got him in the hospital almost gave her a heart attack, in her words.

Her trouble is she is not mobile, and uses a walker so chores and stuff is hard for her. She is a shut in too with other health problems and granda did everything outside the home for her.

These people are the whole of my heart and I knew these times were coming someday due to thier ages but it still breaks my heart.

I have never seen two people so loved and in love and I don't know how either is going to make it without the other one. It hurts me that I am an hour away too. I am going to make the most of it as I can and get back over there today though. We do not have a large family so I try to do everything I can for each one as we do not have many to call on when in need.

If you believe in prayer, please lift them both up. Help me find a way to do the right thing and help them get through this physically and emotionally as well. I may need that same prayer myself.

Thank you my jeepz friends for listening.

RE: Merry Christmas...

{{{{HHHUUGGGG}}} for LJF.

Be strong, they will need you now.

Best Regards,

RE: aussie locker

What Gadget and Bounty said, Lady. Hang in. I'm going through similar things with my parents (both in their 80's)...well.....my Dad mostly. Mom's pretty strong ('tho she just had a partial right shoulder replacement to go along with her "replaced" knees). Dad's in a nursing home and the mind is slowly going. Mudwoman's Mom just went into a nursing home (headin' up that way next week). Thoughts, prayers, and empathy are with ya'.

RE: Jeepz Dot Com -- Our New Theme Song

You and your family are on our prayer list. Hang in, He holds the plan.

You've got lots of well wishes coming your way from NC. Sorry to hear about this, it's a hard thing to watch and deal with.
Sorry to hear of thier (and your) difficult time. I'm sure it meant alot to your grandmother that you have been there for her. You all will be on our prayer list as well.

RE: Need an AX-5

Thank you everyone. The snow did not come today as promised by the weatherman. That helped me out! I spent the afternoon with grandma doing laundry and chores for her. She is settled in for the night. I stopped in to see Granda, he has three types of bacteria in his blood. They haven't pinpointed how he got this or what medicines will get rid of it so he is staying in the hospital for now. Hopefully with help, everything will work out. I thank you for the prayers that he will maintain his level of health currently and not make a downturn for the worse. The dreaded "N" word was spoken today (nursing home) but we will not think on that yet.

Take care,
I feel for you and yours LJF. I can't express any more than our fine Jeepz peepz have already done, but know that you are in my thoughts. Stay strong.