OT -- "Store Wars"


New member
RE: I shimmie

I, Obi-Wan Cannoli, bring word of the onset of the second rebellion.

The hostilites have begun, but not in a far-distant galaxy. Rather, in a supermarket near you.

Dah, dah dah-daaaaaaahh

Dah, dah, dah, dddaaaahhhh

Daht, daht, daht, daaaahhhhhh

Click here for footage from the front:


May the farce be with you -- always!


Obi-Wan :mrgreen:

caught a snag that kept me from starting today...

I just wasted about 5 minutes of my life, that I'll never get back again. :roll:
RE: The REAL Question.

I loved it... As I was watching, I was thinking of how just 20 years ago a video like that took some intensive work. The (now seemingly everyday) "corny" effects used there were actually considered "special effects" back then. The age of computers has brought us some amazing ease in so many things.

RE: YJ front bumper size

That was too funny!!!
RE: hard top for 95 yj

MerkL said:
I just wasted about 5 minutes of my life, that I'll never get back again. :roll:

I feel your pain :( . Except I stopped watching about 1 minute into it...