Out and About/Do You Hate your State?

laneiac said:
I love central Oregon, and am hoping to live there soon if I dont move to Vegas. But the Willamette Valley just plain sucks. Rain, cold, dreary, sunny maybe two or three months out of the year. No wonder we have a high sucide rate here....

What he said :lol: . I would love to live in central Oregon as well...I love the weather there so much more. The only good thing about the rain here in the valley is it makes lots of mud!!!
I live in NY about 45 mins north of the NYC. I feel that I am in a perfect location. I have the city not far away and the country about the same distance. I live in an area that I can own 5 acres of land and I dont have to worry about seeing my neighbors.

purpley- You're right about the people who live on the cape. The tourists and all the senile old people really to make the place unbearable at sometimes. Not too many places to go wheelin around where i live as well. However I just started college in Rochester NY and i already am missing the cape. There aren't too many places around that are like Cape Cod.
mailtruck said:
purpley- You're right about the people who live on the cape. The tourists and all the senile old people really to make the place unbearable at sometimes. Not too many places to go wheelin around where i live as well. However I just started college in Rochester NY and i already am missing the cape. There aren't too many places around that are like Cape Cod.
I moved here from the Cape in '81. I liked it up there, the beach, the fishing... but I will agree on the general attitude up there. The first think I noticed as you go further South, is people are friendlier. My few visits down the the "real" south have only solidified the "Southern Hospitality" thing.

I still love Maryland though.
I live in mostly rural Indiana, grew up here. I love it, but on the other hand, its getting too crowded. Now I cant say, because Ive only visited, but im thinkin more and more that I like the people and way of life a lot better in the South (although definately NOT in a city, I hate cities) On the other hand, I love the west such as Colorado and Wyoming too. I guess Ill just wait and see where my career takes me.


I live in north of Boston, About a hour from Purple, and I have to disagree! I love where I live! I am close enough to Cape Cod that I can visit and go home, awesome trails to the west, ocean to the east! mountains to the north! Mass taxes are pretty high, but... I pay them and not think twice about it!
I own my own house so IU get most of them back in a refund.

You can't beat the sports scene here in boston! every one is diehard!

I love the weather, everything including the kitchen sink gets throuwn at us!! I like the variety! I would be so bored with every day being 90 degrees and humid!

Some people critisize Massachusetts cause we allow gay people to get married, Hey I am all for letting them! It is a right that they should be entitled to. but that is another discussion.

And you can not beat the autumn in Massachusetts, head out and go Leaf peepiing on the Motocycle!
RIP Indian Larry

I am really pleased with this thread, look what I created :) Reason for it, like I said is that I took a road trip, and it's not my first one, I have been between Michigan and Texas twice, and Michigan and Virginia once, and many states in between. And with all that, and every state I passed through or stayed in, Michigan really is the right one for me... I happen to love the winters, shoveling snow, or going to places that are normally visited in the summer, such as upper peninsula waterfalls, or beaches, all of which look very cool iced over. I like the convenience of Metro Detroit, I'm located right near 2 major freeway interchanges, so everything is within my reach, but at the same time, 4 hours North, and you're still in the same state, but there is nobody around for 5 miles in either direction. Biggest complaints about this state, from what I hear are the snow and the cold. But I like that a lot. The only complaints that I can muster up is the constant road construction (but the Pennsylvania Turnpike makes our construction zone look like a roadside mowing crew), and the fact that in an effort to save money, it seems that our Governor has been closing everything down in the winter... There are some psycho people who go to see Tahquamenon Falls in the -20 weather, or hit Sleeping Bear Dunes when they are covered with 4 feet of snow... And while they are still visitable it you wish to slog through the snow, there is nary a rest area or bathroom to be found. But there are always ways around that :twisted:

Looks like most people are generally fond of their state, but there's a good mix too of those who don't... To each his own, thanks all for responding to my curiosities :)
I guess my roots are truly in Alabama. I have lived in TN twice (liked Murfreesboro better than Knoxville...too much orange). I have lived all over AL including Anniston, Tuscaloosa (Roll Tide), Birmingham, and now Huntsvegas. I have traveled all over the country and also lived in the Netherlands for 6 months, but there is nothing like coming home to Bama. I guess it is really more about where your friends and family are.
The atmosphere here is great, especially for outdorsmen. There are plenty of lakes and streams, mountains, great hunting and fishing, two SEC teams, the Gulf Coast, and plenty of Southern Hospitality.
The things I don't like are the humidity, Auburn and the humidity.

LOL @ the PA turnpike comment :lol: . i was talking to a friend from jersey about roads and we both agreed that the roads in PA are terrible. i've even heard/read somewhere a while ago that they are the worst roads in america (as voted by truckers or something).

as for liking PA, i guess its alright.
Hey redrooster, from what Ive seen of Bama I like it too. So heres my question to you. Know anything about the Conservation Officers down there? Thats what Im going to school to be, and Alabama was one state I was thinking I might be interested in going to.


I love N.Y. HaHA. Actually the diversity of recreation in NYS Is amazing. From the beaches to lake placid and everything in between you could find anything to do. Nothing is left out. Except wheeling. There is no where legal to wheel except private property with permission and some small stretches of beaches that your supposed to be fishing at. I have lived here all my life But have traveld alot to see other places. I am actually trying to figure out where i would like to move to when i retire so i could get a plan going. Anyone live on lake powel. I would like to live in a warm area out west where a could enjoy boating and wheeling. Any suggestions?
Alabama is the best place for me. I love the weather, most of the time, and I love the surroundings. You can't beat college football in this state, no other rivalry compares to Alabama and Auburn. Say what you will about my state, but you can't beat a Bama Belle either no other type of women come close, except the ones on this board. People are nice and the wooly-bugers keep to themselves, mostly in Gardendale. I've lived in three different cities in Alabama, and I loved each one. Wouldn't go anywhere else if I had my way....As for you Bostonians. I love Boston too, granted I don't live there, but my sister does, and I visit her for a month every summer. Great place, plenty to do.
I was in alabama once to see a friend. I pulled into a small grocery store to ask where the street I was looking for was and I wound up asking his mother how to get to her own house. Now thats a small town.

hurricane frances

I was raised in Florida but moved to North Carolina 3 years ago and couldn't be happier. Where else can you have mountains on one side flat lands in the middle and an awesome coast.
Born and raised in East Tennessee in the mountains and it is where I am once again! As a teenager all wanted to do was get away, and I did! By that time I had travled a bit but mostly Fla. and the Carolinas. I took off to Alaska at 19 where I settled in Anchorage and the surounding area for 8.5 years. Texas for 1 year, Flaorida for 3 years, and have been to all the states except our great Island state at least once. The fact is there has never been a place in my travles that I could not find good in! All have something very special about them. The food culture and sights can change so much in a couple of hundred miles, we live in a great country. After many years of bounceing around I find myself about 20 miles from my home place. I have lived in the same house for 13 years that is the longest time I have ever spent anywhere. I have trails just a mile away from the front door, a world class white water river in my back yard, we have a full four season climate, cost of living is not to high, then again neither is the wages, people are friendly, crime is low, I guess I am glad to be here and like the state ok! But I do get areal case of the wonderlust from time to time. I like to travle alot. tug