The ride is still on!
At this stage there will be three rigs from this location for the 31st.
LGR if you are going we'll meet you there!
Anyone planning to ride please post up.
It"s still on! Me, White, Grivell, and maybe a few other rigs will be at the gas station no later than 9am.
Wilderness, just give White a call when you get to the park. All are still welcome. Can't wait!
Looks cool dude. I would have liked to have gone on this last run but right now I'm running on 30" at's till my new swampers come in. The heep looks like a roller skate. :lol:
i got some video of the other day but i don't know how to make it digital or whatever, anyone give me word on how to, I got an idea, but i don't have the stuff to do it.