Passed over

Youz guyz...scary. :)

Mud, sorry to hear that. Going postal not a good idea...lots of clean up and legal problems...and the NC experience might not be as pleasant.

Sorry to read that you didn't get the wanted promotion, but I agree with several of the previous posts. It is very possible that your not be selected had nothing to do with you or your qualifications.

The dice roll. We take our chances and hope Lady Luck smiles upon us. Some day she does, some days she don't, but there is always tomorrow.



RE: Paragon Feb 19th

OK, hate to re-hash old self-pity rantings, but I'm beginning to believe that someone doesn't like me. I applied for another (the last available in this division) Engineer I position ("Staff Engineer") and came back "most qualified" (used to be "highly qualified" but they changed the wording......semantics!) with one other guy and he was from Texas. Interviewed and the guy told me they want to fill it quickly (it's been vacant for a couple months now). So I figured I had a BETTER than 50-50 chance (he's from Texas, I work for the this division). Got a letter today (letters are not good, I've already learned that) saying they're going to re-post the position "due to the limited number of qualified applicants". You don't have to hit me with a hammer to tell me that means WE DON'T WANT YOU! Very depressed right now.
Re: RE: Divorce

Sorry to hear that, mud. Hang in there, the Man upstairs has other plans for you, apparently. That's what I keep telling myself. I've been unemployed since December, and haven't had any luck finding work. Had a few interviews, but I'm either overqualified (hard to believe with my limited ejumakashun) or underqualified. And, to top it off, most the employers around here are now using credit background as a tool for denying employment!!! I'm getting pretty sick of that coming up in every aspect of my life!
Yeah Hang in there Mud. I know how you feel. I worked at a job for 17 yrs where you had to "bid" for jobs. I too went through some rough times with the "system". Keep Ya chin Up Dude!

...and NEVER EVER let the bastards know they're getting to ya.....keep smiling...pisses them off! :twisted:

Good advice, Terry. And, yeah, Sparky I forgot you were unemployed....need to count my blessings rather than cry in my soup. But something stinks in Division 14....going to be askin' some questions tomorrow and makin' some comments, so I might be joinin' ya Sparky.....we'll see. Thanks for all the support, jeepz peepz!
oh man, I'm really sorry to hear that. I too am unemployed right now...which really sucks with having to pay for that whole college thing AND still afford broken truck parts! All I can say is to just hang in there and stay strong, like Sparky said.
Re: RE: Re: RE: BH and Sully...gen chat

Why wouldn't they be hiring from within? Why go outside the company? How often do they promote from within?

Does the position in question entail a leadership role? If so, then maybe it's just a "buddy to boss" thing. My company won't promote from within the same store. You HAVE to move...usually. Their theory is that one can't be an effective manager with those whom they were once equals.

I disagree. I think it's more important to value a devoted and experienced person from within. It gives more incentive to the staff as a whole, and creates synergy. Otherwise, you get a less effective staff thinking that upward mobility is simply unachievable.

Hang in there Mud, you're destined for something better... that's my theory!!!

RE: washer fluid reservior

Hang in there mud and least ONE person on this planet thinks you are the best thing since sliced ya!
Mud, what is your engineering degree? In the company I work for, our Cary, NC office has a project level engineering position open for someone with a civil or environmental engineering degree. We also have a CADD position open if you know how to do that and I am pretty sure that they are always are looking for responsible field guys. if something there peaks your interest shoot me over a resume and I can hand it off to the right people. The company I work for is awsome and they dont play games.
Hey mud if you want to move back to Florida, more specifically Tallahassee, let me know. We definately pay more then $40k, w/ awesome benefits. We don't do a lot of dot work, but that's because we cant find someone that has experience w/ dot. We do site dev. dot, and subdivison work. They couldnt find any engineers, so they moved me from senior designer to basically an eng. I. If you know storm cad and ICPR, let me know. Rich

P.S. best of luck whatever you do. My recomendation is get out of the state work. Not all private firms make you work 70 hour weeks.

RE: Re: RE: Signature pic requirements

mudwoman said:
Hang in there mud and least ONE person on this planet thinks you are the best thing since sliced ya!


Open up a 12 guage shell, drip hot wax all over the pellets, and close it again. Hit's them like a slug, then scatters inside like a shotgun, leaving a nice hole in the back side. Hard to trace, too.

sparky, im scared to ask this, but how do you know that?
currupt4130 said:
Open up a 12 guage shell, drip hot wax all over the pellets, and close it again. Hit's them like a slug, then scatters inside like a shotgun, leaving a nice hole in the back side. Hard to trace, too.

sparky, im scared to ask this, but how do you know that?

If I told you, I'd have to show you first hand.... :twisted:

Actually, just another thing I learned on the streets in EMS. Makes it look like they got hit by a slug until you turn them over and see daylight through their chest.

Mud I am so sorry to hear this. I hope better days come your way very soon. We'll be thinking of you here on Jeepz. You need some big hugs! Lady
wheel spacers

thanx all, once again! You boost my spirits when they need a lift ('specially you, mudwoman................very funny, Mingez! :lol: ). Judge09, I have no degree - probably a whole lot of my problem. Working for contractors, you don't really need one - the cream rises to the top (to a point). If you know what you're doin', they want to keep you around ($$$$). Appreciate the offer, but Cary is to urban for me - over next to the Raleigh/Durham conglomerate. I moved here to get away from that. And 86cj7Rich, appreciate your offer, too. Don't know storm cad or ICPR, but I'm quite sure I could learn it. Ran AutoCad from rel. 9 thru 2001 and am now running Microstation/Geopak. Just like games - takes a little while to get used to them, that's all. I like your advice about getting out of state work...this is my second go-round with the government (worked 10 years for the City of Cincinnati) and I've found that things haven't changed - VERY political - knowledge and skills do no matter. But I live in the Smokeys, have a wonderful wife who loves me, and I own a Jeep......oh, and I have a BUNCH of friends whom I've never met here on the "Z", so, as my spare tire cover says, "Life is Good"!!! I'm going to quit complaining and bumming everyone out and work on strengthening my spirit.

Once again, thanx all!!

the mudster

Nice to see a couple of leads come your way here on Jeepz.

Even if they didn't work for you it's just cool.

Best of luck in landing a position that meets your needs.