pepsi vs coke soda vs pop


New member
k i give up after fighting with my wife friends famialy wtf does everyone say or like. pepsi or coke and what do u call it soda or pop? any input:?: ?

I like coke and I call it coke. I never call any soft drinks "soda" or "pop". Never.
Well, I am partial to coca-cola. Since I was born and raised in the south I call every thing coke, But since I have been up rooted to the north they all say pop & I catch my self saying it once and a while. I guess where you live depends on what you say.

I say soda. I have heard people here call it pop though. Whenever i ask for a cola i say coke no matter what brand.
Coke is the king. Pepsi is so so so weak. and there is no soda or pop you just say i want a coke at the register. if your asking a buddy to get you a root beer you say rootbeer. at least thats how us georgia boys do it

If i want coke i say coke...
if i wanted pepsi ***** id say pepsi

as for soda...
orange soda
cream soda
grape soda

and that POP ive never understood:confused:
I prefer a Sam Adams from time to time, or maybe an occasional Guiness Draught.

Seriouly though, I don't usually drink any cola but I call it all Coke.
If someone comes to my house I ask "would you like a Coke?" That means "do you want any kind of carbonated soft drink" but as has already been mentioned, in The South everything is called a Coke. That's the way it's supposed to be.

I prefer Sprite.

One part Sprite, 4 parts ice, 5 parts Crown Royal.
I don't call it coke, I call it a wikkey drank.
If someone comes to my house I ask "would you like a Coke?" That means "do you want any kind of carbonated soft drink" but as has already been mentioned, in The South everything is called a Coke. That's the way it's supposed to be.
I met some girls in FL(from Michigan) a couple years back who thought i had like the coolest accent. They kept making me say words and junk, then one was like yeah down in the south you all(YA'LL*) say soda right? I gave her the weirdest look then laughed at her. Coke is what it is ya'll!
If I'm at someone's house and they offer me a "coke", I would not even consider that they mean anything other than Coca-Cola.

Because there are so many variations of the terminology, and some people even get hostile about it, I call everything by name. If I am being general, I say "something to drink".

The only term I don't like is "soda pop". That's like saying "sofa couch".

hey up here is pop. so dumb im a pepsi man cause i like moutin dew and i say soda
I call it Pop
but usually only say it when its orange pop, otherwaise its whatever it is sprite 7up coke pepsi gingerale etc....
but i prefere pepsi unless i'm super hung over and my mouth feels like the little man shat in it even after i brushed my teeth, then i like coke, feels like it eats away at my mouth better.. oooh and in slushies, pepsi isnt the great in slushies
look at the damn soda bottle it says orange soda grape lime ect.
now u dont say hours-after u say after-hours right?
afternoon not noonafter
baseball not ballbase
soda-pop is a compoud word and srry to u people down south coke is a brand now i could maybe see cola? see what i mean this could go on for ever there is things to back each one soda, pop, and coke

Grew up in ATL (where CC is from) and evreything was referred to by Coke. Still catch myself using the term and do not take it litterally when someone else uses it. I usually call it by proper name. Soda and Pop? .....don't use those words.

i like them both. They are different to me so i don't compare them.