Poor College Student


New member
Hey this is my first time here. How bout a little advise.

I've got a 84 CJ7 that I love, but I have thrown a LOT of money into it already. Now that its running good my parents are pressuring me to sell it and get a "reliable" vehicle.

What should I do?

I can't really afford to do anything to it or fix it anymore...

It really sucks ass in the winter (missouri)...

I can't take any long trips in it...

Should I sell it?

yes you should. PM me, I might know of a local buyer.
Thinking your not going to put anymore money into a 84, guess again.
Buy a new jeep :)
:shock: .oO( knowing that I'll start something from saying this) Find yourself a late model (91-95) YJ. White is totally right, too... J.E.E.P. = Just Empty Every Pocket. If it's not in repairs, it's in mods :lol:

Welcome to the Site! :)
I had the same problem a little over a year ago... I, too, had an '84 CJ which was unreliable, expensive and my parents were pressuring me to sell it because it "wasn't safe." I ended up selling it and getting a '97 TJ from a dealership. Now I've got a small warranty, better gas mileage (which still sucks!), less problems and my parents are happier. Plus, driving home from college is a LOT nicer (you don't have to worry about things flying out the little holes that you most likely have in your top and the floor). :D

This just worked best for me... not saying it's a good idea for you... but Good Luck with whatever you do! :D :D

You could sell it, but then in the summer you will wish you hadn't. Your in college, you can hitch rides anywhere. I say keep it and get a little Honda to drive everyday.