Pop or soda?

RE: Re: RE: Beans or no beans in Chilli?

Snitty said:
Soda-pop.. that's just silly. Its like saying sofa-couch... or fuel-gas... or automobile-car

Hee hee hee... That would be really amusing if that was a regional dialect somewhere...
After travelling North-South-North-South-North-South, etc., I finally gave up. I call everything a "Coke" but I usually make it easy and just order beer or water.

Jeeppicus said:
Its Coke (no matter if it is Coke, Sprite, Pepsi, etc.) or a cold drink pronounced "cole drank"
Thats how we do it in Boston!

But it must be carbonated and does not refer to Beer, Bear is called Beah
I've actually done a study on this. What I have found is the term "pop" is almost soley used in the "Great Lakes Region". So that would include Michigan, parts of Ohio, Western NY, so on. Infact, the great lakes area has a dialect and accent all to itself, unique from the rest of the Northeast and Canada. I travel alot. I have found this is true. Anywhere else you go in the north (New England, northern East Coast) its called 'soda'. And generally any southern and mid west states call it coke. :)

~snitty's friend
My family is from the middle of the state (PA), in that area most folks call it pop. I Lived most of my adult(?) life in the York, (south central just above the Mason Dixon Line) and the we all call it soda. And Coke is Coke , Pepsi is Pepsi... :wink:


RE: Transmission woes :(

Actually, growing up, most folks around here called it "pop", and still do. With our more mobile society and more transplanted residents from various areas, however, local subtleties in speech and dialect are melding into one another, and some of the more quaint colloquialisms are disappearing with each generation.
RE: Re: RE: Redrooster rollover pics

I call them by the brand name or "drink". Most southerners do just say "coke" in general.
While we are on the subject, ya'll northerners make terrible tea. Please pass the word around that it requires lots of sugar to get it right. I'm going to Detroit next week and expect to see results. I'll take mine without lemon.
RE: Re: RE: Redrooster rollover pics

Please pass the word around that it requires lots of sugar to get it right.
AMEN to that. A couple of years back, I was in PA visiting my sister. We went to a resturant and ordered "Sweet Tea"...I got the most dazed look....my Sis told the waitress that was from the south....I jest wanted Tea. When I got it ...it was dark as coffee...I asked her for a glass of water, cut it with my water AND my Sisters water and had 3 glasses of really strong Tea...wheeew

Around here they get called a dope or soda dope more than anything else at least by us old farts. hehehe tug
Re: RE: Redrooster rollover pics

In western NY its Pop, Anyone who has ever been to Wegmans (the greatest grocery store ever) knows its pop. Just check the isle....WPOP. Know it, Drink it, Love it.

RE: Here

Down here everthing is called Coke, even at the drive thru they ask what kind of coke do you want.