Problem with Fuel delivary


New member
i have a problem, when ever i drive for a long distance, my 95 jeep grand cherokee starts to spudder. as if it isnt getting enough gas or air. i have to stop shut the truck off then start it agian in order to go another mile or so before it starts agian. if you try to give it more gas it gets worst. can any one help me. I replaced my crank sensor but nothing happend. its still happening.

How long has this problem been occurring? Have you checked your filters? Check the air filter and replace if needed. Also consider replacing your fuel filter (especially if it hasn't been done in a while). Was the oil changed recently? My guess is that something is creating a clog and restricting flow of fuel/air/oil. The spark plugs and/or spark plug wires may need replaced or the plug gap adjusted. Look into those areas and let us know if you need more help.

Welcome to jeepz!
ok i replaced all those, and its still spuddering, Could it possibly be my Engine Control Computer?????
I have a friend with a 94 Grand Cherokee that had a similar type of problem...but his ZJ didn't sputter but just died like is some one turned the key off.
I called him as I started writing this and he said have you try this first, when your getting the sputtering stop and disconnect the map sensor for a few minutes and reconnect it (the electrical part not the vacuum), this should reset the system. It should stop it for 40-60 miles, if it does then replace the MAP sensor. If it doesn't then you have a faulty computer.
If it is the computer, first off don't go to the stealership for a replacement, go down to your local Autozone and order in a replacement from them, they use an after market company that goes in and replaces the feed back diode from the map and Auto shut down relay and increases the heat dissipater off the main CPU and shield the wiring better. Once they have it in you can pull yours and exchange it with theres...I was told it was 250$ but comes with a life time warranty. It has cured his problem and now has no fear of taking it wheeling.

thank you very much ill try that and let you know what happens and if it works YOU ARE THE greatest, talk to you soon.