PS3 or X-Box 360 Pros and Cons


New member
So I am behind the times, but I was curious what everyone's thoughts are about the two systems. I want a PS3 because I want to continue on with Gran Turismo 5, but wouldn't mind an X-Box 360 since they are cheaper. Discuss...

So I am behind the times, but I was curious what everyone's thoughts are about the two systems. I want a PS3 because I want to continue on with Gran Turismo 5, but wouldn't mind an X-Box 360 since they are cheaper. Discuss...

Personally, Im a ps3 guy. the PSN network is free, although you can upgrade and pay roughly the same as XBOX live to the PSN plus. In my opinion, the ps3 is more bang for the buck. if you have an HD TV, it doubles as a blueray player, not to mention all the memory you will ever need ever. The XBOX has options as far as memory goes, which is why they can sell cheaper packages. When i was debating the same thing, i know that the xboxs required some kind of adapter for wireless internet. with the ps3, its already there. If you do not use the console for online capability, xbox has a ton of awsome titles that ps3 does not, not to mention they usually get first dibs on the games that do come out for both. all in all, i was extremely happy with my ps3. i sold it for jeep mods (im an addict, HELP! lol) but when i did have it it ran for almost 4 solid years without turning it off (give or take a day or 3) and it never overheated. a buddy of mine repairs xbox 360s alot because they over heat. now also, keep in mind i had an old version of the ps3 as well. they have recently gone to the ps3 slim. anyway, im a rambler. thats my 2 cents!
Not a big fan of the x box360. I've always been a fan of the ps3, for all of the reasons mentioned above. Some of the games might be pretty cool, but that's just a small plus when you compare it to all of the bull repairs, and things you have to pay extra for, when the PS3 rarely needs any kind of repair at all, and comes with all of the "upgrades" already in place. To me, its a no-brainer, but im sure there are some hardcore xbox guys/girls that will try to say differently.
Here is my Xbox rules! Rant.
I have always been a PS guy but the 360 was my choice on next-Gen consoles.
1. The ps3 is in fact a better hardware console than every other. Problem is 95% of games that come out are multi platform. So developers are forced to create to the best best abilities of the weakest link. So games on ps3 and Xbox look and act identical.
2. More games come out for Xbox exclusively then any other so those games will actually be better because its not multi platform so all of the development is used to make the game use the full potential of a platform. With that said ps3 exclusive games will outdo Xbox exclusive games tho the are few and far batween.
3. Xbox live is the best for someone who likes to play with friends. Ps3 is such a pain in the a$$ to get a group together AND play the same match without being split up. Xbox allows a group to even bounce between games without even having to leave the same chat.
4. Xbox live is like $50 or so a year. That's like $4 a month you cheap *******s!

I have been on Xbox live for 5 years and have never even considered a ps3 for any reason other than the blueray which you can buy now for like $100.

And my final point. KINECT!

I have and always will be a 360 guy (for all the reasons mentioned above). When the x-box came out we had five in the house, then three and now we are down to 1. I have had this same console for almost three years now and have had no glitches with it (knock on wood).
I like xbox also, always have. You can hack and mod them super easy and if they give you problems, you can do the repairs your self for only the cost of parts. And xbox live, its the number one online game network, period. I have three xbox 360 in the house right now. One for me and one for each of my kids. There are tons of kid oriented games and great adult games.

And wireless is built in now, so that is not a variable anymore. Yes, if you look at the specs, the ps3 might have some higher performing pieces but everyone makes their games for the xbox and xbox live. very few games are made solely for the ps3 now.

I have played the ps4, in call of duty games, and it is no comparison to the xbox360 and live.

Voted Xbox, although I am irked that they don't seem to last much longer than a year without breaking if you play it often (although my current one is going strong and I'm at almost 2 years...)
I play my halo edition, that we bought when they first came out, for about 4 hours a day. Its only been to microsoft for repair once. It was still under warranty so I didn't want to mess with it. They paid for shipping both ways and the repairs were free. The halo edition my oldest son owns, we bought used about 3 years ago. Microsoft repaired that one for free also aand I only paid for shipping to them. I will stay with them because of the super customer support they have.

yup. microsoft even calls me every once in a while to check if i am having trouble with the xbox and to see how i like xbox live. i guess i am on their call list or something, for some odd reason
Customer support is a major seller on it's own these days

I will remember that when it comes time to replace my game cube

Yes my game cube.

I love it, it is simple it never breaks and it has acceptable graphics so its currently my only console.

i found a ps3 320gb w/ move bundle for $275 brand new. I bought it instantly.