Put a face with the name


This is me and the little one :oops: - She'll grow soon though
Craig, Sounds like you need to move south a bit. The last time I went out a cop pulled up next to me as I was taking the Jeep off the trailer and filling the cooler full of beer for an overnighter. I was thinking "crap, he's going to harass me for the missing windshield." Nope, he was just drooling over all our Jeeps in the parking lot. He said he wanted to go but I told him that police cruiser probably wouldn't make it.
Mingez, Thanks man. Maybe after I get the rest of the aluminum on the corners it will be more picture worthy. I have to polish the swirls in there before I can pu them on.
White, Yep it's full hydro. I used to be a fluid power specialist (hydraulics guru), so I'm pretty well versed when it comes to that stuff. More than half the guys in the area run setups that I helped them design. It works like a charm.


your wife is hot.
that is all
ooh ya, your jeep is nice too :mrgreen:

That is me on the right with my 79' CJ7 w/ 360 auto. My brother is on the left with his 97'


ps-If this stupid thing doesnt load disregard the previous. :)
odjeep said:
ps-If this stupid thing doesnt load disregard the previous. :)
It didn't, but I fixed it for ya. Make sure to delete the orig.jpg extension from the URL when posting a pic from Imagestation.
Here's mine. This was taken at Cedro Peak in Albuquerque. Great wheelin spot. Not so great for mountain biking due to all the motorized vehicles


bigTlilODD said:
Here's mine. This was taken at Cedro Peak in Albuquerque. Great wheelin spot. Not so great for mountain biking due to all the motorized vehicles


Can't see it, and I'd like to because I miss wheelin' there.

your wife is hot.
that is all
ooh ya, your jeep is nice too
Thanks. Yeah, she is way out of my league.
Red- have you ever been in JP magazine or any others?
Petersen's was taking pictures at the October ride at Gray Rock (last months issue) but I didn't see my picture in there. He was snapping pictures of me doing a wheelstand and trying to go over backwards but I guess they are keeping that one for themselves.
My Jeep is pretty average around here. We have many guys running tube frames and Rockwell rigs that get a lot more attention.

Heres one of me from '99, don't really have any good ones online. Only thing thats changed is the shoes.

That should be me, but it is an old pic... Picture no highlights, and a full beard, and you get me... I should have some pics of me and the Jeep soon...

Thanks to nate for hosting these pics for me. Here's me and my wife at Stingray Bay, Grand Cayman. Little did we know that we were pregnant in that picture... oops. Sorry for my nudity... I can black out my nipples if it makes you more comfortable.

Here's another of us in our fishing boat off Folly Island.

SOUTH442, your picture of you and the wife in SC looked like you were at Folly Beach. Is that accurate? I live in Charleston. Email me next time you're in town and I'll show you a few places to wheel in the city. Heehee.

hi_c said:
Little did we know that we were pregnant in that picture... oops.

How does that WE work, I though it was just her????

Congradulations anyways. Me and the misses are going to plan on kids some time arouns 2006, or when I grow up a little more!

I realized, I never posted my picture, So I went looking and the most recent is this one


This was Grad school back in 2002 and those are my happy (cause I was moving out) parents
with a wife that looks like that I can most certainly see why "we" were prego... :lol:

take'r easy........awe hell take'r any way you can get her. :lol: