Radio morningshow


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What's everybody favor listening to on the radio? In particular during that morning commute.

I listen to the MJ Morning Show out of Tampa FL, . I get it here near St. Louis and it's also syndicated in several other large cities. It's a riot, and they manage to keep the material fairly clean.

installing a Quik-lock locking rear?

WEEI 850 sports radio. broadcasts from boston. love listening to stupid callers and their opinions on sports. and the anchors are pretty witty too. dennis and callahan for the morning commute....dale and neumy for lunch...and the big show with the big O for the commute home.
Sports talk radio. I hate em, but I love him: Jim Rome and his show "The Jungle". I rarely agree with the guy, but he is so damn funny. I also listen to the Tony Bruno show.

If you go to the Jungle website and find the Smacktionary ( a dictionary of terms specific to the show) you will laugh your ass off at the Jungle terminology.

mingez said:
Sports talk radio. I hate em
i'm a sports nut. so i love listening to it. plus i'm a die hard sox and pats fan, so sports radio in boston is right up my alley. and they of course have all the boston college men's hockey games on too. hence my name.

when i grow old i'm going to listen to sports radio, drive my jeep through the mud, tip back some cold ones and go fishing. not necessarily all at the same time though.
No no no, you misread that. I love sports radio!! That IS what I listen to. I am a sports nut too. I hate Jim Rome, but I can't stop listening to him because he is freaking hilarious!
LOL bchcky.

Ya'll are different than me. I only listen to talk shows when I'm horribly in a bad mood and usually have a hangover or headache and can't tolerate music. The ONLY music I can tolerate when I'm in that mood (and sometimes helps it) is Buffet. I've quite a seleciton of his to pick from on those days.

I'm a music NUT. I have to have my tunes cranking and there is no level but loud in my opinion. I love a local station that plays alternative rock but if they don't cut it, I listen to my own CD's.


mingez said:
No no no, you misread that. I love sports radio!! That IS what I listen to. I am a sports nut too. I hate Jim Rome, but I can't stop listening to him because he is freaking hilarious!
ooooooh, well ok then, glad to hear it! :D

i agree about jim rome too though, he's so controversial, and like you, i usually disagree with him, but he is entertaining.
i used to despise talk radio. but then i got an hour commute to and from work each day. and my cd's can only be listened to so many times. plus i have so many burnt cd's in my car, and i never label them, so i never know which to put in. and i'm too lazy to burn new ones with good music or label the old ones. :roll:

so :arrow: sports radio it is! at least on the commute.
I listen to news/traffic/weather on the way to work. While riding around DC in my bucket truck, I listen to Bruno, then Cornheiser (soon to retire), and then Rome during the morning/afternoon. On the way home I let the music get me through my 2 rush hours (D.C. then Baltimore), it's the only way to get home with any sanity left! I listen to everything except hip-hop and opera, and I am very proud of my huge and versitile music collection, both bought and burned.
[edit] - I do still tune in to political talk shows, but they usually just tick me off (both sides) so I listen to them less these days. I like Ron Smith here in Baltimore on WBAL 3-6pm!

I do still tune in to political talk shows, but they usually just tick me off (both sides) so I listen to them less these days.

LOL, me too! Big surprise eh?
Oh come on........ No one listens to Howard Stern?????? Thats hard to believe, I do, especially since I broke off my antenna in the car wash :? But I also know that they are banning his show in like 6 different states. Something about a rasist caller or something???? sad :roll:

'eh..howard stern is good and remeber when up here WNEW wasn't all this bad music...don and mike, opie and anothony, and ron and fez...them was some good days. funniest stuff i've ever heard.
but ya know..differnt places, differnt radio shows
i used to listen to hill man, but i've realized they are complete tools and talk nothing but garbage and nonsense.
now the mantown calander is something i can appreciate however. (local girls in bathing suits,underware, very thin/little clothing. all tastefuly done of course.) actually beckey, september of '03, was from my home town. try to find her everytime i go back)

i listen to john otsterland (sp?) on WFNX. he doesn't get to much into the political bs of what he's talking about, doesn't care to much if people get pissed off, and he at least still plays good music.

i hate those morning shows where they try to be so funny, but they are complete gotards.

What is morning Radio! Jeezee you folks just get up to dang early. hehehehehe Tug :mrgreen: