Rattle snakes anyone?


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This was sent to my E-mail. Fredericksburg , Texas is 22miles from me.
From Fredericksburg, TX...
> > Kendall County Deer Lease
> > Some guys on a deer lease found these in an old storm shelter; they went in with flashlights, pitch forks, axe handle and a "T" post. . . there were more that they couldn't get to.



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They actually don't taste too bad, like chicken only bit chewy.
My brother had a girlfriend that was a little too city and stuck up. We invited her over for a party and served rattlesnake appetizers. Looked and tasted like chunks of chicken with a toothpick stuck in them. She really should have noticed all the chunks were mostly rounded. She was in the bathroom hugging the porcelain throne for the next half hour after we told her what she was eating and showed her the rattlesnake guts in the sink to prove it. My brother wasn't amused.
I usually leave them alone, unless they are near a well travel path or someplace they could be dangerous.
At that point I'd let the snakes have the storm shelter.

I can't imagine battling 10 or so rattlers by flashlight...
Yeah but i don't think the owner of the storm shelter would want to co-exist in the same confinement and i'm sure the rattle snakes feels the same.. I also don't agree in killing them just for the heck of it. I've relocated a few from my backyard ranging from rattle snakes, rat snakes and cotton mouth. They help control the rat population among other things. I just want them too close to my children. But seriously, i would have crap my pants if i discovered those snakes in the shelter by surprise.:shock::cry::lol:.

Do people use storm shelters? I was picturing some abandoned shack in the woods.

On the east coast, we only have hurricanes, and being prepared for that just entails a case of miller lite and some Doritos.
I know what you mean, every time I hear one rattle MY snake brain says run.
One got me when I was clearing brush, didn't even latch on, just grazed my knuckle through the glove. My hand and forearm swelled up so big the skin cracked. Some gland in my armpit swelled up to the size of a Lemon.
Tear gas works well, I've used a tear gas pen I have, to get them out of woodpiles or where ever.
LMAO Terry. From what the locals told me, the discovery was made when a couple of hunters decided to utilize the shelter while they were on their hunting trip..

Terry needs one of these for his jeep alarm system.
We get them things round the house here all the time. My dog gets after em big time. I usually can't get a shot off if he's around. That's why I always carry a little .22 9 shot w/snake shot. Nothing is more spooky than to leap out the truck in shorts & sandels and one of them Mohave Greens buzz ya off. Scares the BAJEEZASS oucha for certain sure.:shock:
Had one IN the house once, them there in the storm cellar this time o year are denning up. Don't know bout those but the ones out here only travel bout a mile or two from the den. I don't just kill for nothing either but the suckers got the whole dang desert to go rattle, not around the kids at home.
We have an annual rattlesnake round up.They are caught all over the place then released in a field to see how many you can catch in an hour.I would never kill if I didnt have to.For the most part they are non aggressive.The rattle is a warning.If you hear it back off and they will leave you alone.Copper heads scare me.They dont rattle they just strike.

Yep, id rather run across a rattle snake than a copper head cause you would at least get a warning from a rattle snake. 3 years ago during a family reunion at a camp in Nacogdoches ,Texas, my niece got bit by a copper head on her way back to her cabin late night. All we heard was a loud scream, she was rushed to a hospital while me and the property manager looked for the snake that bit her so we could let the hospital know what type of snake it was. After catching the snake, i severed the section of it up to its head and placed it on a ziplock bag to be sent to the hospital. The manager asked if i could stay and look for the other one:???::evil:, he then told me that they travel in pairs:cry:, after a few minutes, i shined the flashlight around the corner of the cabin and saw what i thought was a piece of wood along side of the wall, :shock: it was the other copper head. We ended up killing it.

Snakes... I Hate Snakes...

Honestly, the only thing we have up here in teh north east is Gardner Snakes, and they are harmless.
I was sitting in a deck chair, fishing a buddies pond in S.C. I'd found a nice spot in the sun. I looked down and laying right next to me, stretched out straight, was a Copperhead. He was right between me and the Beer cooler. They say they only get a few feet long, this one looked a whole lot longer than that. He kind of lifted his head and checked me out, then layed back down to soak up some more sun, beautiful snakes. By the time I got back with my 12 gage, he had moved on.
I just had a Mojave Rattlesnake take out one of our little Chihuahuas Sat morn. The poor little guy went FAST though is my only consolation:cry:. My other dog attacked it and started his usual "Greensnake FLING" as we busted a run to be get clear of flying snake parts. He was bitten as well but that mutt is STRONG and has an immunuity to them. These Mojave Rattlesnakes are the deadliest of the rattlers but my outside mutt dog seems to just get sick when bitten for awhile. I HATE them suckers.

:shock::shock::shock: I'd crap my pants if i saw that on my backyard. But then again, i'd grab my 12gauge and pepper that white meat and fire up the grill.:D. Seriously, THAT is a BIG snake.:cry: