Rear Locker


New member
Ok so I want to put a locker in the rear of my CJ5 Ialmost never drive it on the road just a farm and woods truck and I do not want to spend $500 so what ideas you guys got for me???

Lock Right $314.99 from quadratec

or lincoln lock if your not on the highway. Make sure the welder does it right or you could destroy your rear diff.
mini spool or welded. if your gonna weld it, mark the bearing caps and take out the carrier, way easier. also post welding, a trick I have used in the past is once done, bury the diff in a big bucket of sand. it will cause the case hardened gears to cool slower, not effecting the structural integrity as much and giving you a stronger carrier. just make sure you thoroughly wash teh diff in a parts cleaner when done, I also replaced the carrier bearings since sand will get in them.
Too much to fail in a lockright.

But very easy to repair.

Does not sound like the OP is going to be Hard core trail ridding or rock crawling. If you are under 35" tires the Lock Right should be OK.

I am running the power trax front and rear. Very satisfied with them. A few trips to telico couple of rock crawling comps. and a few tough truck events plus tons of local wheeling. And I know several people using the Lock Right with very little trouble. And these guys push their rigs to the limit.

Better than welding in my opinion.

This is just my opinion and experience but I hate Lock Rights. Mine grenaded in the middle of nowhere, pieces of it got between the ring and pinion and cost me a set of gears as well. Too many parts moving around without a case to catch them. Also if the springs get worn they don't like to ratchet which is fun in a front axle on the road. Weld it and don't look back.