Replacing nerfs...


New member
Ok school ends in 2 weeks and i'm going to do alot of work on my jeep this summer. First upgrade on my list is something to replace my nerf bars with to protect my tub. I built my bumpers out of 6 inch channel and to keep the general theme on the jeep(really because i'm too cheap to buy anything) i was thinking on taking some more channel and tilting it at an angle to the tub then building a step on top. I'll attach an extremely well drawn plan to give you an idea of what it'd look like. My question is what would be the strongest way to mount these?

Oh and this is what the channel i made my bumper out of looks like.

Here is what i have found. Every slider that is just bolted to the tub will end up bending or tweeking the body. Sliders need to be secured to the frame. So my .02 is to build it the way you want and then run some supports into the frame and either weld plates and bolt them or just weld them directly to the frame.
I used 4"x4"x.25" angle iron and bolted it to the tub. It's got a section of 2"x2" tube welded the length of the bottom for a step/standoff. Makes for a nice 6" skid across the bottom. Could easily be tied in between the body pucks and the body for a little more strength.

I opted to weld mine directly to the frame, the slider stand-offs are welded to a 1/4" plate, then that 1/4" plate is welded to the frame rails:



I like having them welded to the frame for several reasons. For one I never hesitate to stick the hi-lift, or other jack on them to lift one side or the other. They were also very nice for hooking the chain to to right my Jeep when I flopped it.

I'm thinking i'll just take it all the way to the frame instead of the tub. I would just feel alot safer if i did that and i think it'd be easier to fab up actually. I graduate in 17 days so hopefully in a month i'll have them fabbed up and installed.