Roving Wire Taps?

90Xjay said:
please don't bring your arguments into this thread and ruin it also:(

Who, me? All I did was post a link showing that they had extended the patriot act. :roll: Didn't know that was "ruining" a thread......:???:

Oh, and I hear now that Congress has refused to extend the Patriot Act by the 6 months the Senate wanted, and now it's being discussed that it will be extended by only a month.....which is about 4 years too long........
I don't think shoes and gloves are needed to see that was bait, but I ain't biting.

Yeah the rat baastids extended it 6 mos. I'm hatin' that.

It doesn't make me wrong though, as of yesterday it was still due to expire soon. Now that you mention it, when was I wrong the first time??? That would be a red letter day for sure :twisted:
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TwistedCopper said:
when was I wrong the first time???

Heck, I don't know. I've only known you about a year and a half.:twisted:

Good news on the Patriot Act and the topic of this thread is that members of congress have vowed to investigate whether or not Dubya actually abused his office in the process. I still think he did, although without all the facts, I can't say whether it was for a good reason or not. I'd like to believe that he only used the wiretaps to prevent more terrorist attacks, but anymore it's getting harder and harder to believe anything he says. I guess the point I'm trying to make here about the wire taps is that even though it may have been wrong to do it, I nor anyone else here knows who was being monitored or for what reason.

How's that for wishy washy?:?