Shuttle Picture

Yes, that is how it looks and the T-38 escort, so rocks. When we first saw this at KSC in 1981, we were stunned, even with the mods done to the carrier jet (747), to see this configuration. And then the briefing by the pilots of the carrier craft who said with the orbiter up there on its back, all 109 tons of it, it added another 40% lift with all the added airfoils (wings) and it made it want to flare up into the sky and same for landing--nearly had to make the configuration go to stall, to make it drop and slow for landing. So cool.

And with this current freak socialist as Pres, who stopped shuttle, remember, Atlantis and Endeavour still have 100 flights each on them left to fly, as they are brand new birds basically. Tragic!!

Great shot and thank you so much for posting for everyone.

Hail, NASA
