Snow wheeling


New member
Took a trip up the hill looking for some cat tracks, got to test the jeep in deep snow. Made it everywhere we wanted, my buddy could not believe how it does in snow, the only time I got worried is when I could see the fuel tank was dragging. Our snow here is not the nice fluffy stuff either, heavy and wet, packs to ice real fast.


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Great picture - where are you located?

It doesn't look like there will be any snow wheeling in Virginia this year.

When I lived in Philly, I used to park in the parking spots where folks had shoveled a big pile of snow. Easier to find spots to park when it snowed.;)

So much fun I love it. Could do with out the -40 temps though. I love the pic of that tj in the snow


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we had our 100 year snow a few years ago. no more till after i am dead, and then some more years

florida gets snow :D but it melts on its way down and becomes rain :/ what a downer
I live in British Columbia Canada, on Vancouver island, the pic is up the mountains behind where I live. We get a bit down low but it doesn't stay long, just long enough to screw up the idiots that can't drive in it:)


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