Sold - No hard feelings


New member

Well needless to say this was a tough crowd on this site. But I want to be sure to continue the message board edicate that was taught to me over the days... And up date everyone on the good news.
I sold the 1997 wrangler, 4 cyclinder, manual transmission, for a great price to someone who was looking for their first fixer up'er, but could also use it now on the road.
Regardless, of my first experience on this site. I will be excited to come visit and learn more about what people are doing with their jeeps and use all the information that is obtain here and see where it can be applied to my jeep. 6 cyclinder, manual transmission 1999, baby, but will be with me Forever. :-D

edited by: SELLING97, Jun 24, 2003 - 11:34 AM[addsig]


Put it in a classified, this is for members
not to put one post in and try to get over on the system...
be friendly introduce yourself at least.... :-? :-( :-? [addsig]

Hikes .. Higgins, didn't mean to offend. I am a long time Jeep lover, who is trying to help a friend who doesn't appreciate truly how great Jeeps are!! Your Jeep is fantastic!

over and out.

Stick Time!!! :evil:

Naaahhh,, Not yet,
Let's TEACH. :-D

1. I'm looking to sell my 97 Wrangler......
What Sub-Model, Motor, Diffs, Color,

I'll give you $10 for her....
I'll come and get her,,,,
I'll pay $10 for anything that says JEEP.

2. "Round these parts", It IS polite to
'Tip your Hat', Extend your hand, and introduce
yourself,,,, before you reach for my wallet.

3.. Kena, Doesn't allow reaching from "Strangers"
Watch your arm... :-O :-O :-O
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I will BUY,,, LOVE TO..

I Just Empty Every Pocket (JEEP)

when it come's to MY Rig..

maybe even, the one you have "for sale"...

But Grandma always said,

Aye, Laddie,!,

"Beware buying from 'Strangers", ...

From those, ,, you DO NOT KNOW....!!

Keep the Gold $$$ in Your,, "Family", ....
For THERE she's sure to GROW$$$
OK, I have this "bridge" to sell,,,
built in '97,,,
Hikes .. Higgins, didn't mean to offend. I am a long time Jeep lover, who is trying to help a friend who doesn't appreciate truly how great Jeeps are!! Your Jeep is fantastic!

over and out.
Calling us Stupid? over and out. ... it's one,, or the other..
NEVER Both combined...

"A long time Jeep Lover"
would not need an education on how to post a classified add,
concerning their's or a friends 'Rig'. 97 Wrangler, 4 cyl, soft top,
stupid in color,,,,,,,,,,,,best offer,,, Stands.. $10 .


K9,, Kena,,, OVER<<<!!



You guys are either a tough crowd, or just being rude.

I obviously don't know as much about jeeps and rebuilding them as
many people on this chat line do.

All I know is I have a friend who is willing to just dump his
Navy Blue, 97 jeep wrangler, 4 cyclinder, no bells and whistle but running fine.

I figured there may be a jeep lover out there who would love this opportunity
to get an inexpensive jeep that probably has a few more years on it, (with nothing done to it) or someone who wants to use this Jeep as their first fixer up'er to use as their off roading toy.

$10.00 purely supports my friends attitude, who is NOT a JEEP LOVER. I assumed I would find a true jeep lover who would be interested in the jeep or pass the word along.

Unfortunately right now I have two individuals who would rather tear apart my posting then assist a newcomer. T

The best part about owning a jeep, besides loving the vehicle all together, is the mutual respect jeep owners have for one another. Something the two of you have failed to adopt during your jeep owning days.
:-( [addsig]

The best part about owning a jeep, besides loving the vehicle all together, is the mutual respect jeep owners have for one another. Something the two of you have failed to adopt during your jeep owning days. quote stranger selling...

You talkin' to Me?

You are thick headed and misguided...
J and I ALWAYS pitch .02 to a Jeeper
in need, on or off the trail...


ANYONE with a simple introduction and
little history with us, is more than welcome
to post / sell whatever they want.

Someone who hit search for "Jeep"
glides in just long enough to post
a half assed ad. You are getting
the welcome you have earned.

I find your reading comprehension skills

I'll pay $10 for anything that says JEEP.

You gave 97 wrangler, well is it a wind up toy,
a picture you took, a most capable 6 cyl Rig
with decent engine and tires??

A strangers beats on your door during dinner.
Out of kindess your family at the table while
you answer the door, hoping it's not a friend
in desperate need..

The door opens and what should you find..
A Stranger who yells at the top of his lungs..

Better not knock uninvited.
Kena always answers first!
:-D HA HA HA _ small joke, couldn't resist, you won't get it,
It's one of MY JEEP THINGS. friends know.

When we start selling back in forth amongst ourselves,
sharing address, phone, financial info.
We don't give it to one time posters with no background
or history, PLUS a very poor attempt at an add. TWICE.
Again $10 is a fair starting price if he wants to "DUMP" it.
you have now at least told us it has an engine and runs.
Well what else>?

You need a newspaper, trust me Jeepers know where to
look for Rig's,. Or share a little, Respect alot more, and
hell, I'll help you write a decent add :evil:

It would help your sincerety level to come up with a new
avatar. 'selling97' hhhhmmmmm sounds like you plan
to be an important addition here, for along time to come.

I am done here, and I suggest we follow bounty's advise
on others and let this drop to the bottom, It's been up
long enough for disenting opinion to surface if it exsisted.

I do suggest for future, guide on un-welcome OUTSIDE SALES.
this guy could own a car lot for all we know.

1 or 2 initial rejection with reason post will give them the message,
then ignore the thread all together. ;-)

edited by: USMPK9, Jun 15, 2003 - 12:36 PM[addsig]

USMPK9....come down off your horse there. Maybe this person doesnt want to spend all their time on the computer and was just looking for a jeep oreignted site to sell their jeep. If you are interested in what they are selling ask for specifics instead of jumping down someones throat. Not everyone has spent as much time on this site as you may have. But from reading your post you come across harsh and rude. Nothing I would want to be around. Way to set an example for the site. [addsig]


Jeez, it's like tag team arguing. I don't think the guy wanted any trouble. Just looking to get a deprived jeep to a real jeep lover, didn't have to go crazy on em.[addsig]

No one is going crazy on anyone here, If anyone should be upset should
be the users of this site not "SELLING 97" that sounds like a user that wants
to benifit from this site, no it sounds like someone that just doesn't want to pay the cost
of a classified ad?? Hmmmmmmm still mad are we lets look at his first of 3 post which I might ad are all on this topic:

" """"""""am looking for a buyer of my 1997 Wrangler. BEST OFFER. It needs works but it is yours... if you want it. E-mail me at I am located in Massachusettes. """"""""""""

we are all jeepers here and one for another, but the site looks a little mis-used here...and if this is not the way you see it I AM SORRY, I WASN'T TRYING TTO HURT ANYONES' FEELINGS'. So this is the last I will say about this, no one was jumping down anyones throat but just concerned for the good of the site....... :-D :-D :-D [addsig]