Spring Time No. VA


New member

Finally some weather worth taking my top off for....er, off the Jeep that is. First time getting some wind in my hair and it was definately awesome![addsig]


Isn't it nice, down here in the south side of VA we had a bad week last week but I have been topless for the last month. Where in No. VA are you at and where are all the trails here?[addsig]

Yeah I owuld like to where some trial are at in NOVA, im in SOMD(southern md), there arent so many real trails here...[addsig]

Mother Nature is teasing us again. 80 yesterday (I worked) 80 tomorrow (Work again) and 50's the rest of the week... Of course I am on vacation then!!! :-x I'll never get this top off.[addsig]


We had a bad weather week last week too...this past weekend was definately enjoyed to its topless fullness.

I live in Manassas VA...only trail I know of is right off of Rte. 28 on the Manassas side of the bridge over Bull Run River that seperates Manassas from Fairfax. AND THATS IT! Its a short (maybe 1/4 mile) trail lots of mud holes (which in true novice form I dodge at all costs) tight quarters with the trees on either side of ya...just a cool little spot right off a major highway to waste about 15-20 minutes a run through. :cool: [addsig]

I'm up the road a bit in Arlington... hopefully its nice enough this weekend for me to get the hard top off
