Oh, the joys of working on parts with rusted bolts and nuts!! Installing my BDS 4" suspension lift there is 6 bolts( 3 on each side) that hold the transmission skid/support to the frame. The nuts are tack welded INSIDE the frame and have spun free. I believe I can use my sawzall to get in between the skid and frame to cut the bolts, my problem is re-attaching after the spacers for the lift are installed. OPTION 1(my idea) Drill same size hole directly above and install a longer bolt and screw bolt on from top of frame. No cleareance issues cause I'm just finishing my BDS 2" body lift. Option 2guy who installs for a living option)Cut three holes in the side of the frame, then weld shut. Option 1= $100, Option 2= $5 He thought the 3 in the top of the frame might allow some twisting? Plus I am installing in my garage so if I can drill the holes theres no concern for trying to transport mid way thru the installation. Sorry for the long post, and thanks in advance for your help!!