sputtering under acceleration

so that wasn't it . i'm tryin to find a in-line fuel pressure guage to hook up and see if when it sputters i'm losing pressure. then i'm gettin my gun .
so i got so desperate i brought it to the dealership today. had their ''old timer'' look at it and he thought it was the computer acting up and messin with the ignition. i then pointed out that i had allready done a ''nutter bypass'' so that couldn't be it. i left without anyone having a idea. i then called a couple guys who own a jeep only 4x4 shop. their suggestion was that since webbers only need 3lbs of pressure, the 9lbs that the pump was putting out {i ran a guage on it } might be flooding the carb and i should try a manual fuel pressure regulator set at 3lbs. so i did. it's still doing it. i used to really enjoy workin on the cj.
FIXED! fixed it. since june i've been trying to figure it out. nobody i talked to, WEBER, HERE, DEALERSHIP, OTHER BOARDS, DIE HARD JEEPERS, could firure this out. i did it by punching the side of the fender and the friggen motor died. turns out {are ya ready for this?} that when i punched it ,the jeep rocked a bit and i just happened to notice the orange ignition wire moved and when it did , it stalled. i started it back up and when i moved the wire, out it went.turns out there was a little kink in the wire that no one saw that when the jeep was in motion , the movement would sometimes make it cut out which was why i could never find the problem in the driveway. the wire was replaced and i've been driving the cj for 4 days and it runs beter than ever. now i can start thinking about a 44 i want to put in the back!

HOLY MACKEREL, HAHA. VERY nice job finding that one. Congratulations. I'm sorry we weren't able to help more.
Yeah i've fixed many of problems with a good blow or two... now go tell your jeep you're sorry for punching her:purple:

Very old post, but I'm hunting this SAME problem! Any pictures to share of the wire and the issue to make sure I'm checking the right ones? I have an '86 CJ7, nuttered w/Weber carb.