squeeling sound


New member
My jeep makes this squeeling sound, it sounds like air being let out of a balloon. Very high pitched. It used to make this sound when i would let off the gas and starting today, it makes it when i rev the engine. What could this be? Can't afford anything to break now, just got a new job and i dont want to have to call out because i have no way of getting there.
Thanks in advance!

Hmmm, so I'm guessing that it is coming from around the engine, right? Does it do it when your sitting still and revving up the engine, or when it is in gear? Do you know what area of the engine it is coming from, or if it is something else in the engine bay?

Sorry for all the questions!!
Yeah its definitly coming from the engine. It used to only do it in gear while moving and i'd let off the gas, but now it just started doing it sitting still revving up the engine in nuetral. Not 100 percent sure where in the engine its coming from.
Idler pulley? I had a squeal and that was it. Take the belt off and give it a spin. it won't squeal, but if you hear any noise from a bad bearing it will squeal when at higher speeds.

It was pretty cheap and an EZ fix.
Body Kit

I just took the jeep out and its not making any sound at all anymore, not even like it has been for the past few weeks. Does anyone else ever get the feeling that their jeep is cursed??
That's the sound of your Jeep squeeling from the joy of being driven!

What's up with the sig pic, man? Disconnect that sway bar and find a big hill......I want to see that monolinear put that 35 in the fender. :twisted:

A few weeks ago, my wife's Camry had a similar squealing sound when I started it one morning. The squealing continued until I had gotten a few blocks, then there was a loud "clunk". I pulled over, popped the hood, and found our neighbor's cat sliced, diced, and julianned all over the engine compartment.

i'm with gadget on this one.. if its not doing it all the time... we could be talking only when it is at a certain temperature, making me believe it could be the fan clutch
Ever heard of Wd-40? Grab a can and start spraying it around the engine components with the engine running. If you hear a change in the RPM when you spray a certain area then you have just found a vacuum leak.
Otherwise check the bearing on your belts idler pulley. Take the belt off and see if it has any ply in the up and down motion. If so replace it. Sometimes over tightening the belt will cause premature failer of that cheap little bearing.

Quote the Raven...er..Jeepz Peepz

I get a similar noise at cold temps. It's more of a high-pitch whisle than a squeel. Once the engine warms up, it goes away. I had never head of this with anyone else until I read your post! Thanks for insuring me that I am not insane (or that there is another insane person out there like me).
a high pitch whistle can often be intake noise.. do you have a stock intake? you could also be suffering from a bad alternator.. of course, my alternator has been whistling for 3 years... no problems
RE: xj motor ?

Have you ever hit a deer when it's whistling like that? Maybe you should leave it, as they say that's how those deer alerts scare them away!

RE: hard-top wiring

Good point, Sparky (I've always wanted to call someone that!)! It's damn annoying when you pull up to a light or into a drive-thru. I wish it had an on-off switch!