Star Wars


Staff member

Anybody heading to see the new starwars tommorrow? I'll probably go see it (if I can get a seat), although I'm not going to take off work or anything.

I heard that you could download it off the net like a week before it hit the movie theaters

I can't believe someone was able to get a copy of that.


yes you can get itoff the internet my friend at umass got it for me and but it on video cd so we could watch it on my dvd player it wasnt the greatest quality, but if you wanted to see it before everyone else that was the way to do it. It is a good movie much better then phantom menace..
-may the force be with you


Attack of the Clones was ok. The Yoda/Count Dooku (Darth Tyranus) was a little goofy. Kinda looked like a rabid chihuahua on a big moving piece of meat. I also thought the first hour was a little too slow. I'm a HUGE Star Wars fan. I've got all the books, seen the movies a million times and nothing will ever be better than Empire Strkies Back! Yes, I liked Phantom Menace better only because there was more action, the dialogue was better and it had more colorful villains. Neither Phantom or Attack had a decent Anakin in it. Can't wait for the third one when he finally gets his suit and mask. I would see it once (maybe twice) in the theatres and be thankful that it will come out on DVD/Video in the fall. Just my 2 cents!


A few months later*

I saw it twice and enjoyed it much.My 5 year old also enjoyed it,as he does all of them. Trained him well,I have..Hmmmm?