started my hurculiner project...


New member

so i pulled the carpet and cleaned the tub pretty good today. I got the back 2 bolts off for the rear seat, but the fron two are siezed up, are are most all save for maybe one on the front seats. anyone got some good ideas for getting em out? also, any really good tips before i get down to the nitty gritty?


I plan to do the same really soon. Going to do the kick area of the body around the door lip (entry gaurd area). I hope that made sence. With a good close tape job and you should never need worry about that area again. I would also do the inside of the tail gate and the inter edges of the same. Really get in there and kick out any rust. Cover the floor plug holes to make sure the plugs will go back in after you get it done. Good luck and keep us posted as to what you do pics will be nice to. Tug[addsig]

Cuke, I did a complete write up on my website about this installation. My web link is in my signature below. WD-40 and an impact wrench is my solution. I did have to have one bolt blasted out with a torch. Just drill through it then torch it. Buy stainless steel bolts for newbies. But check out my before and after pics on my website.[addsig]

I just started my hurculiner also. The bolts for the front seat belts were stuck good. I just cut them out and tonight I plan on welding a plate with a new nut welded to it. One of the bolts for the back seat I drilled out and will weld a new nut in place. These bolts have taken more time then I planned. At least the hurculiner will cover my amature welding ability. [addsig]


hi c, ive been to ur page a few times, good stuff. thanx for the help guys, ill keep u all posted

I just found Hurculiner at Autozone. I can buy a qt. Black for $29.00. This is with out the roller or anything but what a deal. rollers are a dime a dozen at the local paint store. tug[addsig]

Tug, you'll need at least another quart, and that's for 2 thin coats. Be sure to buy all your other goodies before you start yankin stuff outta your jeep. I put a list on my website. The few that come to mind are Acetone, Masking tape, a large bag of latex gloves, and sandpaper. Good luck. Be sure to take before and after pics.




Just so you know, you can go down to Liberty Ace in Erwin and they can either order or may have instock any of the herculiner products. If you need the stock numbers let me know.

Todd [addsig]

As all of you guys embark on your herculining, I would like to say good luck and keep away from your hootus ;-) :lol: [addsig]