starting problem


New member
I just baught a 82-CJ5, for 2-3 day it starts and runs like a champ. Drive down the street yesterday and it started to heat up. I pulled over and shut it off to cool it and when I went to start back up nothing. I heard one click from the selinoid but didn't do anything else. Pulled it home and did the following.

1) checked Battery good, 12 vlts on ohm meter.
2) thought starter selinoid might be bad so baught one, still nothing
3) if I pull down the street and pop the clutch it starts and runns til I turn off
4)??? looking for any help

Thanks for any help or suggestions
try jumping the posts on the starter to see if it will turn (use something that has a handle) If it engages then its grounding out some where. Also try tapping the starter with a hamer around the bendix, sometimes it can hang up
Thanks for the reply's.

Update; I took the starter off and bench tested it seemed to work ok but sounded terrible. replaced with a new rebuilt one and still nothing. when the ingition is in the on possition and I remove the neg battery cable I can hear arcing from the coil, same arcing sound I hear when I jump accross the two small posts on the start selinoid??? Still checking but have no idea.


Have you tested the amps at the battery? 12 volts doesn't mean squat if you don't have the amps behind it. A totally dead battery can still read 12 volts. If the battery is good, check your cables, sounds like you've probably got a short or bad connection somewhere. Look for lots of corrosion or cracks in both the pos and neg cables.
Will check for bad connections or a short

I took the ignition module off and all the sealant on back, at some point got so hot it melted and ran all over, thaught this could be an issue baught new module $16.00 didn't do anything.

I took the battery out and put in the battery from my truck, as Sparky suggested a possible amp shortage, still not turning over. Will start looking for a short. I removed all the harness covers so I could start this daunting task of tracing wire.

Thanks for your input