SW Florida Offroading?

Anyone know of any local trails around the Fort Myers area? Just moved into Florida from NJ and itching to find some place to go get my TJ a little dirty.

Anyone have any tips/riding locations?


Used to live between Orlando and Daytona. Ocala National Forest has some nice trails and mudholes, as does Tiger Bay Wilderness Area (around Deland). Not real close to you, but the only things I know of - and nothing real challenging, but fun none the less. Buy a Florida Gazatteer and check it out over around Imokallee. There's gotta be some good wheelin' around the 'Glades.
My parents live in Ft Meyers. I have looked all over when I am down there for a place to wheel and have not seen anything. There is some great sailing down there tho.
Come on down to Naples, I'll take ya out to Bad Luck Prairie (if the state boys have reflooded it to "replenish" the Everglades). There are also places in Immokkolee to wheel, and there is a new park open in Fleda. Neither are that far from either of us. E-mail me and I'll get you my phone number. Raven13xxx@aol.com

I heard there's some place in North Port, I need to talk to the dude on the Ranger board about it though.
RE: No Jeep yet!! but

I live in Tallahassee and know of some cool places to wheel if you're ever up here. As far as any local trails around there I cant help ya. I do think there's a jeep club in that area. It might be worth your while to look into that. Email me if you ever come to tally Accidentpron1985@yahoo.com