The death of Hunter S. Thompson


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RE: CJ front seat risers/sliders assembely

_____Well, as my picture under my name probably gave it away. . . I'm a hippie. . . also a red-neck. It was a sad day this past Sunday, February 20th. This was the day when former Rolling Stones writer, Hunter S. Thompson, took his own life with a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head. Little is known at this time about the circumstances surrounding the untimely death. He is survived by his wife Anita, and son Juan who discovered his fathers body.
_____Thompson is best known for his best selling book "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas", later turned in to a film starring Johnny Depp and Benicio Del Toro, he and J. Depp became fast friends. He has also been portrayed in the film "Where The Buffalo Roam" starring Bill Murray and Peter Boyle, both very funny and very interisting look into the dark and twisted mind of Hunter S. Thompson.
_____Has anyone else been affected by this tragic event, or am I the only hippie on the site that shed a tear :cry: over his unfortunate passing. I will look to his work and wonder what it might have been like to have known such a unique and opinionated person. Also a little known fact, Thompson was a Jeep owner!
_____Hunter Stocton Thompson, hippies everywhere will miss you! :cry:

I hate to advocate weird chemicals, alcohol, violence or insanity to anyone. . . but they've always worked for me" Hunter S. Thompson

I am not quite a hippie but I definitely enjoyed Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and its sad when anyone takes their life.
700 R4 conversion

Old hippie here. Yeah, I was shocked to hear the news. Loved his writing, and his views on life. The movie didn't do the book any justice at all....they never do.
RE: Re: RE: Re: SugaMamas

I heard the NPR special about him. I was amazed to find out that he was assigned to do a piece on a race in vegas, but ended up writing fear and loathing as a kind of description of his journey. Could you imagine being sent on a job/conference, and come back with a story about all the drugs and stuff that you did?

RE: T-case rebuild

Only being 21 my self, I never had a good understanding on the 60's and 70's, H. S. Thompson helped to preserve that era for future generations (although I'm sure that's not what he had in mind at the time).My family refers to me as "WoodStuck", but I never went to Woodstock and Woodstock2 was just a cheap money making publicity stunt gone wrong! One of my favorite movies is and will always be "Alice's Restraunt" by Arlo Guthrie. Call me crazy, but I think that we could all learn a lesson from that movie. I would love to have been around at that time (execpt for the whole Vietnam incident). My mother laughed at me, and told me that it was her generation who did the "stuff" that got us all these rules like seatbelts, 21 drinking age, tougher marijuana laws, and my favorite "Public Intoxication".
I'm just venting because I'm jealous. That time was the begining of a good time that lasted until. . . about the time I was born, it's like when I was born, somebody walked in to the party and yelled "Hide the bong and spray the Lysol, we got kids now :( ". Well back to the topic title, there will never be another writer who had such a twisted view on this world, never again will a journalist be able to take such a mundane story and fill it with color and violence, all we have to show are his timeless works. :cry:
I am 30 now, and just went back this weekend for Brother's weekend at my old college. One thing I've learned is that things are always getting stricter. Thirty years from now, you will be amazed at all the things that you can do now, that will be illegal / wrong by then. I was reminded this weekend when I noticed that the days of $2 all night keggers are pretty much gone (I think I actually shed a tear).

prariepunk said:
I hate to advocate weird chemicals, alcohol, violence or insanity to anyone. . . but they've always worked for me" Hunter S. Thompson

Seems to be a lesson to learn here somewhere.
RE: Merging threads

Directed at Who_Cares: "I disagree with what you say, but defend to death your right to say it."-Voltaire. I hope I got that down right.

prariepunk said:
Directed at Who_Cares: "I disagree with what you say, but defend to death your right to say it."-Voltaire. I hope I got that down right.

Hey, there you go! I like that response. We are here to discuss, debate and have fun, and that's a very constructive way to disagree. Good form.

and I agree.
RE: Remington Mud Brute

I have no right to get mad everytime someone disagrees with me. Heck, if I got mad every time, life would be no fun. When I first read it I was a mad, but it's not worth getting worked up over.
I could sit up all night and debate the benefits of suicide and retroactive abortion, and even spell out a list of those I think should be first, but that wouldn't get me anywhere. Remember, sometimes it's better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.
RE: Cheap 4X4

For the record I hope my post did not seem like a flame. I felt it a noteworthy observation that the guy advocated the things that probably led him to his misery and demise.

It wasn't meant to be disrespectful by any means.

TwistedCopper said:
For the record I hope my post did not seem like a flame. I felt it a noteworthy observation that the guy advocated the things that probably led him to his misery and demise.

It wasn't meant to be disrespectful by any means.

I guess this should be in another post...but.....
I must have missed something.....unless it has been *deleted* also. This deal with everyone wearing their egos on their sleeves is getting out of hand...I thought we were all adults here. :? Everyone is afraid of saying something that might offend someone...the MODS...bless their little hearts.... have to "babysit" the post for fear that some unapproprate little quip might show up. Sorry to ramble about this but this sorta thing is the only thing that is offending me........

OK I'm Through....anyone wheel today?