The death of Hunter S. Thompson

Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: The death of Hunter S. Thompson

I think anything life threatening- suicide, doctor assisted suicide, abortion, capital punishment- tends to evoke very personal responses- and if one has experienced it in their immediate circle, even more so. I have sat with, cried with, and wondered "why" with families who have had a loved one commit suicide- most recently a 19 year old boy who had a fight with his girl friend. It's a terrible thing for those left behind. The unanswered questions- what could I have done, why didn't I see it coming- haunt these loved ones for the rest of their lives.
I am sorry that anyone would have such a deep moment of despair and act on it.
RE: Steering problem after stuck, HELP!!!

_(OIIIIO)_Jeeper said:
This deal with everyone wearing their egos on their sleeves is getting out of hand...I thought we were all adults here. :? Everyone is afraid of saying something that might offend someone..

If my opinion offends anyone that's on them, not me. I am what I am.

That said, my last post was to make sure it didn't look like I was kickin' a guy while he was down. prariepunk was obviously upset about this guy's death and since my post followed... well you get the idea.

There's a difference between being timid and being polite.

You callin' me a WUSS? Hey you offended me!!! It's go time man...

Just kidding ;)
I was dating a girl in high school that committed suicide. 21 years, 2 months, and 7 days ago. Still on my mind, but hey, stuff happens, right? I, like Mudwoman, have spent countless hours with families and friends of suicide victims (they are the victims themselves most often), and have had to pack the offenders into body bags more times than I care to count. Go ahead and call it a selfish act, and speak badly about these people if it makes you feel better. Until you have been there, seen it, and lived through it, you have no room to speak. This post isn't aimed at anyone, it's not intended to flame anyone, nor make anyone mad. Suicidal people are ill. Not all of them, not the 19 y/o like Mudwoman wrote about. Those are just spur of the moment "so there" suicides. I mean the people who spend the better part of their day thinking about when and how they will do it. It's an illness, people, much the same as alcoholism and drug addiction and a myriad of other psychological disorders. They cannot help themselves. There are very, very, very few "failed suicide attempts". A suicidal person, a truly suicidal person, will succeed on the first try. They don't take pills and call their friends and tell them what they did. They buy a gun, a length of rope, a hose for the exhaust pipe to reach around to the driver's side window, and go to a secluded spot to finish their business, hoping no one finds them before it's done. Do you make fun of the mentally retarded people in the world? Do you make fun of an elderly man that has no control of his bladder because Alzheimer's has turned his brain to mush and he doesn't know he's pissing down his leg? Do you make fun of cancer patients? Then why would anyone feel so self-righteous as to spit on someone who was truly suicidal? Think about it. It's a disease, a sickness that can't be cured. Next time you think about cursing someone who committed suicide (no, not the person who did it out of revenge or anger), think about what it would be like to be cursed by your peers for having diabetes, or cancer, or epilepsy, or any other uncurable disease. Again, I'm not trying to upset anyone, nor am I aiming this at anyone here. I just wanted to make it clear how I feel. I think suicide is a terrible, terrible thing. I feel sorry for anyone who is afflicted with the sickness. I don't, however, feel much of anything but disdain for someone who uses it as a weapon to purposely harm another person. From reading his books, and from what I've learned of Hunter S. Thompson's life and personal feelings, I believe he had an illness, and that it was anything but a selfish act.

There, I've opened my mouth....any doubts?

I'll put away my soapbox now, raise my glass in a toast to the man that was, and quietly continue my readings in the forums. Goodnight.....I will be here tomorrow!!
That's a very good point Sparky.

I don't see this as being an "Arguementative" topic. And I don't think anyone is being disrespectful. It's a subject which I think deserves discussion.

I'm kinda somewhere inbetween both sides. I have met and been exposed to people who suffer frome suicidal behavior as an illness. I have known people who are just seeking attention, usually of course, surviving.

I was very close to my Grandparents. They committed double suicide, where my grandfather shot my grandmother, and then shot himself. (Technically it was a "Murder-suicide.") They did it because of the debt they had gotten themselves into. I loved them both, they were very unselfish people, always there to help those who needed it. They were the center of our family and very loved by all.
But unbeknownst to us, very depressed, and in a moment of weakness took their own lives.

As I said, I'm somewhere inbetween, but I suppose it does no good to assume ALL people who commit suicide are "Selfish." Nobody can know the circumstances surrounding every situation. Pain and anguish are impossible to measure unless you are experiencing it, and thus pointless to pass judgement upon.

RE: interesting rig of the month

I've experienced Suicide in friends and family close to me. Neither circumstance was anything to write off as light or anything to make fun of. They are life altering events that happen, unfortunately to both good and bad people. I don't feel it's our place (as Mingez said) to make fun or judge anyone for something that we ourselves are not a part of. I also, like Mudwoman; find it very sad and confusing that someone can even get into a point in thier life where they feel this is necessary. Due to personal circumstances though, on the other hand I can understand "that point in thier life". Emotions are an amazingly powerful thing, moreso to some than others.

I never heard of this guy until his name made it here to the forum. I have no opinions of any kind specifically on him or his life.

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I thank you all for the responses, some were more constructive than others, but every one has an opinion. I did not expect this number of responses, I only thought I would get maybe a "who was he?" or "why should I care?", but I am very greatful for the number of members who took the time to read this post. Yeah, he was very "into" the whole drug scene, and it is suprising that he live this long. He has seemingly avoided major drug addiction, most likely at the expense of his own mind. I did not know him and shared little of his life-style, but envied the time he repersented and embraced. I mourn his passing like a town mourns the passing of one of it's elders, the mourning of someone who has seen his fair share of life and experianced more than one could hope for in a life time. O.K., most of his life has been spent on illeagle drugs, and doing that is wrong, but his views in general were a kicked, slanted and warped view on the American Life-Style, his work made me look twice and that is the goal of any journalist/author. Thank you once again, I thank EVERYONE for their response.