name me 1 politician who has done more for the unfortunate people in this country than jimmy carter. HE GOT THROWN TO THE WOLVES when he was in office.
What he did at Mrs King's funeral recently was in poor taste.:redface:
Carter was good at socialism. He did institute programs to take money from the working man and give it to the non-worker.
I think he meant well, but he failed at several key areas of national and foriegn policy.
Standing by and letting the radical Islamic forces of the Ayatollah overthrow the Shah of Iran was terrible. The country of Iran has been led by radical Isamic forces from then to now and we are paying for it.
He pardoned all of the Viet-Nam draft dodgers, that was a knife in the heart of my Uncle who served proudly. That also pardoned a well-known draft dodger who later became a president we were all proud to know:redface:
He kissed the hiney of Breznef of the Soviet Union and was shocked after they invaded Afganistan when Breznef promised Carter he wouldn't.
he sucked up to just about every dictator there was at the time and that got us nowhere.
Gas lines...
record inflation...
Wanting to help poor people is a good thing, taking money from near-poor hard working people to do it so you can feel better is not good IMO.
All politians want to help the poor if you asked them and a TV camera is near.
They just take money from the workers who produce and give it away.
To answer you question, read about Harry Truman and his "Fair Deal". Many past presidents increased social programs while in office.
I don't know if he was railroaded or not, I know he was deeply concerned about the Iran hositages I saw that in his eyes. I think he was a genuine fellow, about things like that I'll give him that much.