The land of the free?

Ya know it's funny, but no matter how far apart on political issues I am with anyone I meet, people always seem to share my concern and disgust for the lost freedoms and government control in our country.

So, if we all agree it is wrong, and we all are concerned and affected, then why to we not discuss it like less pertinent issues that dominate talk shows, commentaries, blogs, water cooler discussions, forums, and the like? It is possibly the biggest crisis and trheat to our freedom since WW2 and we all just take it day by day and watch liberty erode. It's like a big steaming pile of crap in the middle of a room and eveyone just stands around it like it's not there. WHY?
Distractions. We as a society are extreemly feeble minded, anything shiny can distract us. I'd love to be a force for change, but American Idol is on thursday nights. Seriously, that is it. People ***** and moan, and we can grumble here or at work, but in truth, the secret to ruling the world isn't a Hitleresque approach, it is slow gradual numbing. Erode the poeples freedoms, dont whack at them,... and just make sure the entire time you tell them how happy they are, how blessed they are, and make sure the T.V. is always on.

TwistedCopper said:
It's like a big steaming pile of crap in the middle of a room and eveyone just stands around it like it's not there. WHY?

Ever spend a summer on a cattle farm? By fall you don't even smell it anymore. The government has groomed us to be the way we are. Lemmings. They have been telling us for years it isn't a pile of crab but a coffee table, and by now, we don't even smell it anymore.
Gone&DoneIt said:
Distractions. We as a society are extreemly feeble minded, anything shiny can distract us. I'd love to be a force for change, but American Idol is on thursday nights. Seriously, that is it. People ***** and moan, and we can grumble here or at work, but in truth, the secret to ruling the world isn't a Hitleresque approach, it is slow gradual numbing. Erode the poeples freedoms, dont whack at them,... and just make sure the entire time you tell them how happy they are, how blessed they are, and make sure the T.V. is always on.

Right on bro!

TwistedCopper said:
Thanks for that description, but the "soma" I was referring to was in reference to the ficticional drug in the ficticional (although seemingly quite prophetic) novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. I realize there is an actual drug that bears that name but that's a whole different Soma ;)

Strangely enough, the way you describe it I can see why they gave it that name. Ookey spookey :shock: :lol:

Good reading:

Yes, I know. I read that in junior high, and again in high school, and again in college. That's why I posted that description, to make the connection between the "real" soma and Huxley's soma. They are very, very much alike, and that scares me. Of course, our soma isn't the only drug similar to Huxley's soma, it is but one of a few hundred that have similar effects.;)